the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at the Ridgewood Board of Education meeting on May 20, due to concerns raised by residents, it was discussed whether parents whose children will be playing on artificial turf fields might be asked to sign a waiver. This would indicate that there are known health risks to playing on turf, and that the parents are aware and give consent to let their children play. The superintendent was directed to call the Board attorney for an opinion on this matter. Stay tuned.
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Until the artificial turf eventually gets taken out this will help to protect against future medical lawsuits.
Not only atheletes but band members also.
This is a great idea. Fully support
Love this!
From the RW water lawsuit, also about PFOA and PFOS which are forever chemicals:
PFOS and PFAS are toxic, not easily biodegradable, persistent in the environment,
and pose a significant risk to human health and safety. PFOA and PFOS are associated with a
variety of illnesses, including cancer, and considered particularly dangerous to pregnant women
and young children.
Defendants knew or should have known that PFOA and PFOS are highly soluble
in water; extremely mobile; persistent; very likely to contaminate surface and groundwater,
including drinking supplies; and present significant risks to human health and welfare if released
to the environment.
On the other hand, a lot of people are concerned about over population, so let’s those people drink it up.
All of those extra hours of extended play on hot plastic, rubber and other synthetic substances and fossil fuel products, including the chemicals that are needed to clean the plastic (where does that go?) and sanitize it from blood, sweat, spit, bacteria and other bodily fluids which may in turn cause may be toxic and it is certainly a little bit of a way to protect themselves from future harm down the line.