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‘World‘s worst mom’ urges parents to loosen up



‘World‘s worst mom’ urges parents to loosen up
By Jane Ridley
January 13, 2015 | 9:14pm

Stepping off the school bus just two blocks from home, Manhattan sixth-grader Amedeo White follows the exact same drill every afternoon — the 11-year-old pulls out his cellphone, dials his mom and delivers a running commentary while walking back to their apartment.

“Passing the deli now,” he reports. “Waiting for the walk signal.”

Literally giving a step-by-step account of your movements is par for the course when your mother is as overprotective as Amedeo’s. The ultimate “helicopter mom,” who hovers above her three kids 24/7, Cayle White would prefer that they’d never left the womb.

Amedeo’s closely monitored after-school routine is among a number of cringe-worthy moments featured on Discovery Life Channel’s new reality TV series “World’s Worst Mom,” which premieres Jan. 22 and reveals how paranoid today’s parents have become about their children’s safety.

In the show, a bunch of obsessive Type As are subjected to an intervention from Queens author and public speaker Lenore Skenazy. The 55-year-old famously earned the title “World’s Worst Mom” in 2008 after she let her then-9-year-old son ride the New York City subway alone, and then wrote about it in her newspaper column.

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