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Yes, Bill Clinton Praised Daughters of Confederacy


Dan Gainor | June 21, 2015 10:39am ET

In the midst of left-wing and media criticism of the Confederate flag, it’s important to note that many prominent liberals have supported the Confederacy or its flag – including presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

President Clinton actually honored the United Daughters of the Confederacy three times during his presidency, as reported by The Black Commentatorin 2008.

According to Clinton’s White House letter, dated June 21, 1994:

“One of the most rewarding of human experiences is the coming together of people to share common experiences and interests. For 100 years, the United Daughters of the Confederacy has maintained and built upon the wonderful legacy of your founders. The strength of your organization today is a testament of the vision of your founders and to your commitment to your shared goals.

I congratulate you on your achievement, and I extend best wishes for many years of continuing success.”

One thought on “Yes, Bill Clinton Praised Daughters of Confederacy

  1. The Daughters of the Confederacy do much active work for current soldiers and veterans. There is nothing wrong with being proud of one’s ancestors, most of whom were not slaveholders but ordinary men fighting for the land in which they lived. And there are many black women in the Daughter’s as they also had ancestors who fought for the South.

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