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15-month old Girl Trapped in Car for Over One hour after Live Electric Wires fell on her Parent’s Parked SUV in Ridgewood

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Photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

may 26,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A 15-month old girl was trapped in her car seat for over one (1) hour after live electric wires fell on her parent’s parked SUV when tree limb broke off and fell to the ground. The incident occurred in front of 112 Oak Street, Ridgewood late Friday afternoon, 05/25. The unharmed girl was safely removed from the vehicle and reunited with her parents after a PSE&G technician cut power to the area. Ridgewood Police, Fire Department, Emergency Services, and OEM personnel responded to the incident.

Ridgewood Police reported that power to the east side of town would be restored by 8:00pm. PSE&G was clearing wires from a tree that fell in front of the YMCA on Oak Street.

2 thoughts on “15-month old Girl Trapped in Car for Over One hour after Live Electric Wires fell on her Parent’s Parked SUV in Ridgewood

  1. Wait, why was a 15 month old girl left in her car seat to begin with?
    Where was the parent?
    What’s going on here?

  2. The father was parking the car with the toddler in it. In the time between taking the stroller out and getting the toddler out, the huge tree branch snapped and nearly came down on him.

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