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Advisory: Increase in Drone Sightings Across Hackensack and New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, the Hackensack Police Department is closely monitoring a recent surge in sightings of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, in our area and throughout the state. These devices have become increasingly popular and accessible due to their affordability and ease of use, offering many benefits in delivery services, search and rescue missions, security measures, and infrastructure assessments.

However, drones can also pose risks when misused, potentially for illegal or harmful activities, including acts of terrorism.

No Current Threat to Public Safety

At this time, there is no known threat to public safety. Nevertheless, the FBI, New Jersey State Police, and the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness are urging everyone to stay vigilant. Your awareness and prompt action can help maintain the safety of our community.

What to Do If You See Suspicious Drone Activity

If you observe a drone or notice any related suspicious activity in your neighborhood, it is important to report it immediately. Here’s how you can help:

  • Call the FBI: Dial 1-800-225-5324 to report your observations.
  • Submit Online Tips: You can also share tips and upload video footage at FBI Tips.

Hackensack Police Drone Operations

It’s also worth noting that the Hackensack Police Department uses drones as part of our first responder toolkit. These drones assist in public safety efforts, search and rescue operations, and incident response. If you spot a drone, it could be part of our authorized operations, but do not hesitate to report anything unusual.

Community Cooperation Is Key

The Hackensack Police Department thanks you for your vigilance and cooperation as we work together to ensure the safety and security of our community. By staying alert and informed, we can address potential concerns and continue to enjoy the many benefits that drones bring to modern life.

For any questions or further information, feel free to contact the Hackensack Police Department.


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7 thoughts on “Advisory: Increase in Drone Sightings Across Hackensack and New Jersey

  1. I figured it out. Not aliens. Not Russians. Not nuclear sniffer drones because of the increased radiation detected in and around NYC. And this is why they’re SUV sized, because they’re filled with undocumented citizens flying over the Trump wall. That one drone that allegedly crashed outside the the Lowes in Hillsborough? They didn’t crash. They were being dropped off for work.

    1. I won’t shop there due to their pandering on tv ads even using a DEI for a voiceover

  2. Looking for a missing warhead…that’s the rumor

    1. Looking for Elvis

  3. why i though it was liberals running for the lives worried about ,”The Wrath of Khan”

  4. Where are my commenters that are always droning (pun intended) on about Obama? Well, remember when Obama (allegedly) bragged about being really good at deleting people with drones?

    I’m not saying these events are related. I’m just saying Obama was our greatest president, and his wife is easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  5. This is Joe Bidens America. Joey B was also President a little while ago when the Chinese fly a spy balloon across our country and didnt do jack about it. let it just fly on by. Nothing to worry about guys chill sleepy Joes got this handled. comon man!

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