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Allendale Fire Department gets 3 calls within a 10 minute period on Thursday Including a Noxious Odor Incident

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photos courtesy of Allendale and Waldwick Fire Departments

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, earlier on Thursday Allendale Fire Department responded to several calls throughout the Borough ranging from odors of gas, fire alarms, CO alarms, and a noxious odor incident.

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Waldwick NJ Volunteer Fire Department responded twice to the Borough of Allendale. The first was a CO alarm at a condo complex off of Mrytle Avenue . The Allendale Fire Department had 3 calls come in within a 10 period which had their resources stretched pretty thin. The second call was during the afternoon hours when a strange odor in a commercial building on Commerce Drive off of Rout 17 that  required Waldwick’s Tower Ladder as well as units from Saddle River Fire and Mahwah Fire suppling mutual aid along with Allendale Police. 

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