the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Allendale NJ, the Allendale Police have received numerous complaints about the intersection of Myrtle Avenue and W. Crescent Avenue. specifically in the morning, during school drop off hours.
As a friendly reminder to all motorists, New Jersey state law requires motorists to stop for both amber and for red signals. Intersections may only be entered once the signal turns amber if a vehicle is so close as to not be able to stop safely, which by statute is within 50 feet. Regardless of traffic volume or speed no person should enter an intersection against the red signal. For detailed law on amber and red lights use an internet search engine and enter, “New Jersey statute 39:4–105.“ Fine is $86 with two license points.
only in nj,..,.,,
red= stop
amber= step on the gas go like hell
I’m confused, I thought when you see how are you slow down, not stop.