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Allendale Says Yes to Sell its Water System to Suez Water New Jersey for $18 million


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Faced with the increasing costs and complexity of operating the Borough’s water system, the Allendale Water Committee began considering a sale to an experienced water company as well as several other options beginning in 2019. The decision was made to sell the system to a water company with the experience and financial resources to maintain, operate and rehabilitate the system. SUEZ, which has been a partner with Allendale for two decades, was the high bidder.

The Allendale council voted unanimously to move forward with the SUEZ bid. Please go to to view the Mayor and Council meeting in July 2021, during which the Council adopted Ordinance no. 2021-10 authorizing that a referendum for the sale be presented to the public. The Mayor and Council members expressed support for the sale of the water system. Residents are encouraged to speak to the Mayor and to all Council members.

Allendale Council (two three-year terms)

Candidate Total Votes % Votes
Elizabeth C. Homan (R)*1,699  50.7%
Susanne C. Lovisolo (R) 1,654   49.3%

Allendale Municipal Question: Water system proposal

Should the borough sell its water system to Suez Water New Jersey for $18 million?
Choices Total Votes % Votes
Yes 1,423  77.6%
No 411      22.4%

One thought on “Allendale Says Yes to Sell its Water System to Suez Water New Jersey for $18 million

  1. We all know Suez would love to buy Ridgewood water Utility

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