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Red Wave Hits Bergen

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ , Bergen county gets hit with a Red Wave on election night . County wide offices show some big upsets :

Bergen County Sheriff (one three-year term)

Candidate Total Votes% Votes
Robert J. Kugler (R)104,86552.1%
Anthony Cureton (D)*96,52247.9%

Bergen County Clerk (one five-year term)

Candidate Total Votes% Votes
Bridget Kelly (R)102,12950.7%
John S. Hogan (D)*99,35249.3%

Bergen County Surrogate (one five-year term)

Candidate Total Votes% Votes
Simone Tsigounis (R)*100,23850.8%
Michael R. Dressler (D)*97,27449.2%

Bergen County Commissioners (two three-year terms)

Candidate Total Votes% Votes
Timothy Walsh (R) 104,33926.4%
Ronald Joseph Lin (R)104,10526.4%
Steven A. Tanelli (D)*93,59723.7%
Tracy Silna Zur (D)*93,00223.5%


State Senate 

District 39

131 of 134 precincts – 98 percent

x-Holly Schepisi, GOP (i) 44,172 – 58 percent

Ruth Dugan, Dem 31,454 – 41 percent

James Tosone, Ind 382 – 1 percent

District 40

142 of 147 precincts – 97 percent

x-Kristin Corrado, GOP (i) 45,251 – 62 percent

Michael Sedon, Dem 28,182 – 38 percent

State Assembly

District 39

131 of 134 precincts – 98 percent

Robert Auth, GOP (i) 42,576 – 29 percent

Deanne DeFuccio, GOP (i) 42,055 – 28 percent

Melinda Iannuzzi, Dem 32,249 – 22 percent

Karlito Almeda, Dem 31,146 – 21 percent

2 to be elected.

District 40

142 of 147 precincts – 97 percent

Christopher DePhillips, GOP (i) 43,788 – 30 percent

Kevin Rooney, GOP (i) 43,787 – 30 percent

Nicole McNamara, Dem 29,019 – 20 percent

Genevieve Allard, Dem 28,597 – 20 percent

2 to be elected.

20 thoughts on “Red Wave Hits Bergen

  1. Can’t believe Kugler beat Cureton.

    And Bridget Kelly has been resurrected for better or for worse.

    Did Rooney win..? What about Lisa Swain…?

  2. The Kugler thing is pure politics.

    Yeah, he should have reimbursed the town.

    I’m sure families will be incensed that their loved ones can get police escorts at their funerals.

    What corruption.!! And it’s been going on so long that it’s a tradition in so many places.

  3. Arrogant Murphy eating a little crow though he likely wins by slimmest of margins

  4. glad to see the democrats were unable to cheat this time

  5. Smurf can only win by cheating.
    Democrats can never count the votes when they are losing.
    Just waiting for a box of ballots to show up at 3 AM to put Smurf above by 10 votes.
    Its not the one who votes, but the one counting the votes. Always was and will be.

  6. Still close enough to cheat (1000 votes is child’s play)
    Murphy not worried at all.

  7. The trick to cheating is holding back the solid legit votes to be “found” later and counting the illegitimate votes early on.
    This way when the “found” votes are scrutinized, they are unimpeachable.

    I learned this in my Voter Fraud 101 class.

  8. Huh. And no dems are screaming about fraud or conspiracy(despite no evidence)? That’s weird, right?

  9. It looks like full cheating in progress. Where did all of these votes for Murphy come from the DAY AFTER the polls closed yesterday…………
    JACK WON… he better get a recount

  10. “Where did all of these votes for Murphy come from the DAY AFTER the polls closed yesterday…………”

    For F’s sake. We went through this last year.

    Counting votes takes time. Places with higher populations(which skew left) will always take more time to count. Mail in votes(also skew left) are counted last.

    You can’t celebrate a “red wave” and accuse of cheating at the same time. ( I mean, you obviously can….doesn’t make it less silly.)

  11. Looks like the numbers have turned on Bridget.

  12. Fox news just called it for Gov Choppers.
    He managed to ‘find’ enough votes in the shithole cities of camden and newark
    what a shocker.
    takes a day after the polls close to ‘find’ enough votes

  13. NJ GOP working with Jack (and legal team) to see that the “poll worker error” in Essex County (56 voting machines locked) will be counted with transparency.

    Essex County towns of Newark, Irvington, East Orange and Montclair (eh hem) were “effected”. NJ judge to order unlocking.

    Jack may very well cross the finish line as winner when counting completed by Nov 8th.

    Hey look at Edward Durr the Republican truck driver from south Jersey who defeated that Democrat slime NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney. Votes have been counted 100 percent and yes Sweeney is out. Durr is in.

    That should make NJ Republicans very proud and energized for 2022 Congressional election when we take back our state and our country.

  14. The Durr story is fantastic…!

  15. Amazing story about Durr. Imagine how fed up people are with career politicians. I don’t see how Essex county incidents can help Jack. These are blue strongholds with possibly 80% voting habits for the left. But fingers crossed even though AP declared Murhy a winner. What a f.k.ed up process when a news media declares a winner instead of the election authority.

  16. The leftist AP calls Murphy the winner 50.0 to 49.23 but the NJ Secretary of State has yet to make any official announcement.

    The AP wants to downplay the major defeats Democrats suffered in NJ. They are ignoring our 12 new NJ Republican legislators. So screw the AP.

    IF Murphy actually won then our new (and existing) Republican legislators in the NJ Assembly and NJ Senate will make Murphy’s job more difficult to get anymore of his progressive Marxist ideas on track.

    Patriots never give up to a tyrant.

  17. Dominion strikes again !

  18. If any Republican won in Glen Rock, watch what happens when the absentee and mailed votes are counted.

  19. How is it possible that the City of Newark elected 100% Republican City Council members, but also voted for Murphy? That just doesn’t make sense.

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