Only 39 percent call media “truthful” in Emerson College survey, compared to 49 percent for new White House
Brian Flood | February 9, 2017 @ 8:37 AM
at the Trump administration is “truthful,” while only 39 percent feel that way about the news media. Worse, for the so-called “opposition party,” 53 percent of those surveyed described the media as “untruthful.”
The poll, released on Tuesday, also showed that Americans are divided on Trump’s performance so far — 48 percent of registered voters approve of the job that Trump is doing, compared to 47 percent who disapprove.
A landline poll……enough said.
I don’t believe either of those numbers
If Trump can stay away from Twitter and stops complaining about unfair media, unfair Nordstrom, unfair judges, unfair this and unfair that then he will be doing a fine job. Pence should just have some duct tape handy and shut Trump’s mouth whenever he is ready to unleash. And I hope he starts waking up Rep congressmen who just sit on their asses and do nothing.
Bush’s fault…
(we’re still doing this, right?)