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Another Day at the Office in Ridgewood and Don’t Forget to Recycle

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, this one almost got swept under the rug. The word is a Ridgewood Recycling truck took out parking garage for Oak Street Apartments sometime in December but we are not certain . The village managed to keep this quiet. I am certain the blog received some chatter but we have not been able to dig it up .

6 thoughts on “Another Day at the Office in Ridgewood and Don’t Forget to Recycle

  1. We are sure that the property management knows about this. The building superintend it. And I’m sure the police department made a report about this. Hopefully no one got hurt.

  2. Wow…he did a good job.

    Last fall the leaf guy took out a part of my neighbor’s fence when he tried to execute a 5-point turn in a tight area.

  3. Shit happens. That’s why it’s called an accident.

  4. The union stewards keeping it quiet.

  5. who really gives a crap ?

  6. You’d be surprised who cares. Well it depends who did it. Because someone will be reprimanded, or someone they just look the other way. No fairness across-the-board.

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