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As summer comes to a close, there are some important things the Ridgewood Chamber wants you to know

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photo courtesy of the Ridgewood Chamber Facebook page
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting hosted a platform for Village Manager, Heather Mailander, Councilwoman, Bernadette Walsh and Detective Captain Forest Lyons, to discuss new parking meter initiative effective Sept. 4th.

As summer comes to a close, there are some important things which you should know.
The Village Council approved the funding and the proposal from Epic Management, Inc., to move forward with the Hudson Street parking garage.  This will provide additional parking in the Central Business District for shoppers, diners, commuters, and employees.  The current timeline indicates that the garage should be completed by early spring 2020.

Effective September 4, 2018, the following changes will be in effect for all parking meters in the Central Business District, both on the streets and in the parking lots:Meter Times:  Monday through Friday –

 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Saturday – 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Meter Rates for All Meters:

75 cents per hour

(including the Cottage Place CBD Employee Parking Spaces)

Duration of Meters:  3 hours for all parking meters, except the Cottage Place parking lot, which will be 11 hours.

CBD Employee Parking Spaces:  These spaces require a CBD Employee Parking Permit and are located in the Walnut Street parking lot and the Cottage Place parking lot, and are delineated by signage. CBD Employee Parking Permits and monthly hang tags for CBD Employee parking may be purchased at the Reception Desk in Village Hall or daily parking may be paid for through Parkmobile or in Cottage Place, at the parking kiosks.

We are extending our Parking Kiosk Pilot Program. In addition to the Chestnut Street parking lot, parking kiosks will be placed in the following locations:

  • Cottage Place parking lot
  • Cottage Place Annex parking lot (between The Gap and Gilsenan & Co. Real Estate)
  • Both sides of North Broad Street, between Franklin Avenue and East Ridgewood Avenue

The parking kiosks will accept coins, dollar bills, and credit cards (Visa, Master Card and American Express).  Parkmobile is also available to pay for parking, by downloading the Parkmobile app to your Smartphone.

Effective September 25, 2018, the new meter times for the train station parking lot and the Park and Ride parking lot will be:

Monday through Friday – 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (14-hour meter duration)
Saturday – 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (8-hour meter duration)

Overnight parking is available in select parking lots for residents living in the CBD. Permits for overnight parking may be purchased at the Reception Desk in Village Hall.  Other than the overnight parking lots, parking is prohibited in all other parking lots, including the train station lot and the Park and Ride lot, from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of the summer with your family and friends!

One thought on “As summer comes to a close, there are some important things the Ridgewood Chamber wants you to know

  1. How about the Chamber of Commerce coughing up some money for the parking garage that’s going to benefit them directly?

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