I have been getting calls from small business owners all over the State of New Jersey who have been contacted by police enforcing Governor Murphy’s “Stay At Home” Executive Orders regarding COVID-19, and have otherwise been financially devastated. These Orders were initially handed down 2 months ago by Governor Murphy for the alleged purpose of “flattening the curve,” in other words, preventing hospitals and health care services from being overwhelmed by everyone getting the virus all at once. That mission has since been accomplished because we all worked together in good faith to make it happen. Now, Gov. Murphy has moved the goalpost to “finding a vaccine.”
In my opinion, as an attorney and business owner, there is no longer any justification for denying people their Constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s time to #ReopenNJ and let people feed their families again.
Daryl J. Kipnis, Esq.
It’s all about the Karens. Think about it.
“Karens” ARE Phil Murphy’s core constituency. Woke, sometimes-crunchy suburbanites between college age and retirement age who could care less if a local business closes but also cannot imagine their kiddos being deprived of a drunk Shore weekend followed up by the traditional cap-and-gown experience. They’re comfortable at home with one (or both) household adults still drawing a paycheck. Their favorite new past time is chastising other people in the neighborhood who aren’t social-distancing.
Should be noted that “the right to pursuit of happiness” is not, in fact, enumerated in the constitution.(Though it has been recongnized by the Supreme Court). Splitting hairs, maybe, but an attorney should know the difference.
Also should be noted that this guy is also a politician running for NJ-12 and not just a concerned citizen.
Er, was running.
@Phil M above. Strangely per your description I fit into a Karen. I am a staunch republican and both myself and wife work from home many hours a day. Yes, we are comfortable making a living during these times while working from the comfort of our home. How is that bad? It is a preference imposed by the scary campaign on this virus (widely exaggerated in my opinion). But being careful is not being a Karen. I can’t be brave and go around the neighborhood without a mask and walking close to other people especially with an elderly parent at home. Meanwhile my neighbor who is an extreme leftist just doesn’t care. His kids are out playing all day while the UPS, FEDEX, USPS delivery people are around. They go food shopping and I never see a mask with them. They talk to landscape people only 2-3′ apart with no masks on. They mingle in the street with other families with no social distance and no masks at all. So many absurdities in this situation. I seriously believe this virus was a scam.
I don’t believe this virus was a scam but I agree with everything else you had to say
the virus was not a scam.
the overreaction to a new (yet common) SARs virus is the real scam.
A scam? You may want to adjust that tin foil hat.
The overreaction is a scam.
What don’t you understand?
Darwin’s theory works!