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Bahhhhhh Readers Prefer Sheep to Walls

Betsy the Sheep

what? And the town lets that terrible stone wall in front of Its Greek to Me stand, and continually bang every car door? I’d rather have a nice sweet woolly sheep! All the sidewalk cafes which make you run a gauntlet are ok, and the sheep isn’t allowed? baaaaa humbug!


10 thoughts on “Bahhhhhh Readers Prefer Sheep to Walls

  1. Speaking of the wall, did anyone see the summary of Vagianos’ housing comments as they appeared in the Ridgewood News? I am hoping they were mis-reported, but as I read them, he won’t comment on his view of the multi-family housing debacle in our state because the Courts are dealing with it. Has he never taken high school civics? Legislators legislate and judges interpret. If he does not understand his role as a legislator in our tri-partite government, he should drop out of the race now and go back to school for a while.

    I would like to hear Vagianous’ view on housing – – as well as the view of all the candidates – – and what legislation they would support or introduce to roll back these court ordered mandates that are threatening to strangle towns like Ridgewood. We face the prospect of thousands of apartments being forced into our town and surrounding towns. Anyone running for office must have a view – – a firm view – – not a mealy mouthed missive about how they don’t view it as their job to protect the standard of living for which their fellow citizens worked so hard.

    This is the single most important issue we face and we need decisive leadership on the issue, not dithering.

  2. He wants more housing so the come to eat in his restaurant. Its all about the money

  3. His math where he had described taxables going up with garage was the most ridiculous one. Now another Councilman uses that same math. If these guys in CBD were ready to pay more money in taxes, they would have chipped in to build the garage.
    This guy did not even signup for 10% discount card.
    Do we really need legislators who think they are above the law?

  4. I never ever read such bullshit regarding the sheep. I frequently visit the village with my family to go out to eat . Did you ever try walking through this so I walk on broad in Ridgewood talk about fighting through way too many tables so I’m Broad Street to get to Ridgewood Avenue come on, someone’s barking up the wrong tree regarding the sheep there’s more foot traffic on the east side versus the Westside someone has their head up there Ass , Or the sheep’s ass.

  5. Agree.. Tables, walls, dogs sitting under the table, heat lamps at steel wheel, baby carriages, bench in front of the bagel store, and flowers, pumpkins, firewood, Christmas trees inverting of while foods, stop and shop and kings…and Adirondack chairs at back yard store, 30 kids in front of rite aid… And we are suddenly worried about a soft sheep… Haha but sad.

  6. Agree.. Tables, walls, dogs sitting under the table, heat lamps at steel wheel, baby carriages, bench in front of the bagel store, and flowers, pumpkins, firewood, Christmas trees infront of whole foods, stop and shop and kings…and Adirondack chairs at back yard store, 30 kids in front of rite aid… And we are suddenly worried about a soft sheep… Haha but sad.

  7. The bedding place never got so much attention!!

  8. Debbie is right all the way.

  9. You go girl ! ?

  10. We need to give that cute little sheep a name. Bloggers start thinking of a good name

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