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Barack Obama allegedly cautioned another Democrat not to ‘underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up’


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, radio show host  Mark Simone  some of Joe Biden’s best calls on the pandemic: 

Jan. 31: In response to Trump’s travel ban, Biden says “this is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia.”

Early February: Biden public health advisory committee member says the coronavirus is less lethal than the SARS virus and a top aide says this “is probably not a serious epidemic.

Mid February: Top Biden adviser says “we don”t have a Covid epidemic, we have a fear epidemic.”

Late February: Biden health adviser Zeke Emmanuel says many experts view the virus “like the flu” and expect it to dissipate with warmer weather moving to the southern hemisphere. Masks will not help, he adds.

Early March: Biden holds a mass indoor rally and criticizes the European travel ban as ineffective and “counterproductive.”

Mid March: Regarding Trump’s January 31st decision to close travel to China, Biden says “stop the xenophobic fear mongering.”

4 thoughts on “Barack Obama allegedly cautioned another Democrat not to ‘underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up’

  1. Obama better hope Sleepy Joe wins.

    Because if Trump wins, Hunter Biden’s laptop issues will get investigated and we will see how heavily Barry was involved in trying to make DJT look bad.

    Obama didn’t campaign for Biden until Tuesday of last week !
    Back in 2016 he stumped for Hillary all summer long.

  2. Love that pic of Joe.

    The hair plugs make him 2 days younger !

  3. Trump is making 3 stops in Penna today.

    Biden has nothing on his schedule.

    I’m a little confused….does Joe think he’s winning by a wide enough margin that he can coast…?

  4. Obama is waist deep in the illegal attacks on Trump, but will NEVER see any legal consequences regardless of who is elected.

    Sad, but true.

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