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Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco proposes NO COUNTY TAX INCREASE in his 2018 Budget

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco

March 16,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, contrary to the insanity in Trenton , Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco , “This evening I introduced my 2018 proposed budget to the Board of Chosen Freeholders at their work session. I am excited to announce that this year, there will be NO COUNTY TAX INCREASE and Bergen County will continue to have the second lowest county tax rate in New Jersey. This budget exemplifies my administration’s commitment to continue building a better Bergen County by investing in important programs and services while exercising fiscal responsibility.”

5 thoughts on “Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco proposes NO COUNTY TAX INCREASE in his 2018 Budget

  1. That is awesome news. When was the last time we had no municipal tax increase? Who was mayor then?

  2. Shame the BoE and Municipal budgets in Ridgewood will be combined more than 2% increase in 2018…. fiscal irresponsibility by this BoE and Council. Always easy to spend someone else’s money, especially when you are a bad steward of taxpayer dollars.

  3. Don’t get too excited yet.
    #1 It’s an election year.
    #2 You haven’t seen the details
    #3 You don’t know if they are using borrowing instead of a rate increase
    #4 Just because there is no RATE increase doesn’t mean they are collecting the same taxes. Revaluations in a rising market increases the base.

    Haven’t heard from Little Josh about the Governors tax increase plan. I know he’s concerned because he came up with a hair brained and deceitful plan to make believe you are paying real estate taxes to a charity.

  4. Give in a rest Pauline. No tax increase, but you screwed us over big time in many ways (high density housing and Roberta Sonenfeld to name 2).

  5. Can we PLEASE get something done about the Duck Pond. It really looks like an open sewer.

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