Photo of the Museum Collections Committee recently preparing exhibit.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
River Edge NJ, this year Bergen County Historical Society has an exhibit of 18th document box for the Retreat event at New Bridge. It has the GR King George stamp seal impressed in the leather lid by the handle.
The box has been conserved by Cultural Preservation & Restoration since the last time on exhibit several years ago.
Come find out about what happened in Bergen County in 1776, on Nov 18 & 19th.
The event at New Bridge kicks off Saturday evening, November 18, 2023, 7:00 p.m. with historian Jim Smith reading the American Crisis followed by an illustrated presentation on the Geography of New Jersey and it’s impact on the war, takes place in the 1752 Steuben House.
The reenactment event continues with an early start on Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm, with two skirmishes earlier in the day at HNBL.
Washington on horseback leads the troops over the bridge as described by Thomas Paine, 11 am.
On the cold, drizzly morning of November 20, 1776, a mere four months after the Second Continental Congress declared us to be an independent nation, the mighty British army mounted an invasion of Bergen County.
Their goal was the capture of the American garrison at Fort Lee; the garrison’s only means of escape lay across a small wooden drawbridge at New Bridge Landing in what is now River Edge, Teaneck and New Milford.
HNBL, 1201 Main St, River Edge, NJ.
Visit: for more info
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