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Bergen County Historical Society: Reenactment of the Patriots’ Retreat to Victory Across the Bridge that Saved a Nation

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Photo of the Museum Collections Committee recently preparing exhibit.

the  staff of the Ridgewood blog

River Edge  NJ,   this year Bergen County Historical Society has an exhibit of 18th document box for the Retreat event at New Bridge. It has the GR King George stamp seal impressed in the leather lid by the handle.
The box has been conserved by Cultural Preservation & Restoration since the last time on exhibit several years ago.

Continue reading Bergen County Historical Society: Reenactment of the Patriots’ Retreat to Victory Across the Bridge that Saved a Nation

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Join the Bergen Historical Society Sunday for: The 244th Anniversary of the Retreat to Victory, November 22, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

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the staff of the Ridgewoo0d blog
New Bridge Crossing NJ, This map shows the events of November 20, 1776 in Bergen County and just how close it was for Washington after the multiple defeats in New York.
Join the Bergen Historical Society Sunday for: The 244th Anniversary of the Retreat to Victory, November 22, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Continue reading Join the Bergen Historical Society Sunday for: The 244th Anniversary of the Retreat to Victory, November 22, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 pm