the staff of the Ridgewood Blog
Hackensack NJ, Bergen County officials established the Bergen County EMS in February to address the volunteer shortage at the local level, a situation exacerbated by the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic. Some community-based emergency medical services had to cease operations due to the declining number of volunteers, and the county-operated ambulances have stepped in to address the gap.
The necessity for the newly instituted county-operated emergency medical services is evident, according to officials, as the teams consistently handle over 450 calls each month, and there is no indication of a decline in demand.
What started with two ambulances has rapidly expanded to eight for the Bergen County Emergency Medical Service in its inaugural year. Bergen County Executive James Tedesco noted that these ambulances respond to around 450 calls monthly, covering nearly every corner of Bergen County.
Strategically stationed throughout the county, these ambulances utilize a dispatch system that directs the closest available ambulance to the patient, whether it belongs to a hospital or a municipality.
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