July 29,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Mahwah NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir S. Grewal issued a warning to the Township of Mahwah over the enforcement of Township Ordinernce 1806 limiting access to Mahwah’s recreational facilities .
Yesterday ,Grewal sent a strongly worded letter to Mahwah Township Police Chief James N. Batelli, directing him not to enforce Mahwah Township Ordinance No. 1806. Copies of the letter were also delivered to Mahwah Mayor William Laforet, members of the Mahwah Township Council, and the Mahwah Township Attorney.
In the Letter Grewal spelled out problems he had with the ordinance including saying , enforcement raises serious legal issues such as “racially influenced policing ” and “violations of individual constitutional rights”.
The Township of Mahwah had passed the ordinance, which took effect Thursday hopping it would provide protection against what residents have called an organized incursion from Rockland County of Hasidic families who’ve recently swarmed parks in Mahwah, Montvale, Ramsey and Upper Saddle River by the busload.
You gotta wonder – were Mahwah Township officials thinking that they could actually get away with it?
Stand your ground Mahwah…if you don’t your town and your parks are going to look just like the shitholes that are Monsey, Kiryes Joel etc. The ultra-orthodox are religious fanatics and if you blink they will run right over you. property owners in KJ have started the process of annexing over 500 acres from the surrounding town of Monroe…what makes you think they will stop there ? It’s pretty oblivious that their sites are set on Mahwah. If you don’t want another Lakewood on you hands STAND FIRM.
Disgraceful. Cowardly.
You are not allowed to use the utility pole for your own needs.
Would you say that 7:21 if bus loads showed up at Vets?
Of course you wouldn’t you would be the first one down at VH demanding that something be done about it. Your a PC fool. And Grewal is full of crap…and Mahwah just wrote a “strongly worded ordinance ” and put it right in his face. He will do absolutely nothing about it because he knows the wrath that will follow. Enough is enough.
The level of bigotry and anti semitism is shocking. What is the matter with you people???
Bus loads? Really? And I suppose that the Holocaust didn’t really happen, right? Wow! What a hateful world out there.
Anti sememtisn?? Those people can be really atrocious. I support it.
Get your head out of you PC asses!
Yea bus loads you liberal whack job…what part of the photos that show 4 large yellow school busses don’t you understand?
Stop the anti Semitic bullshit and look at what’s right in front of you.
In what world was this EVER a hasidic family ban?
Anyone who lives near hasidic communites knows they must be stopped at all costs.
Holicost? Please stop, they are not moving into your town, I take it.
They will take over the town, multiply and create their own communities within your community. They won’t pay taxes, will not send their kids to your schools. Anyone who knows a hasidic, knows they will stop at nothing to get what they want. Call it what you like, I don’t want them anywhere in Mahwah.
You people are disgusting anti-Semitic trash. I think Mahwah needs to ban useless , pathetic bigots who just turn our towns in opioid waste dumps instead. Orthodox and HAssidic Jews are family-oriented and don’t engage in the trashy drug induced behavior all of you do. I hope they come in the busloads. They are welcome here.
I read the ordinance, and I can’t see how it’s a “ban” on Hasidic families; am I missing something?
^^ even the opioid heads care about other people. The hasids are a dangerous cult that cares about no one but themselves. Get married by Jewish rabbi but NOT in state of NY so wives can collect welfare. Take over board of ed in 75-85% black/Hispanic townships, slash school budget like crazy and screw over young kids. These people bad