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Bicyclist Seriously Injured in Collision at Paramus Intersection

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

A serious accident occurred on Wednesday morning, August 28th, at the intersection of Paramus Road and West Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, when a bicyclist was struck by a passenger vehicle. The incident left the cyclist with significant injuries and prompted a swift response from local authorities.

Immediate Response by On-Duty Officer

A Paramus police officer, who was on duty at a nearby road construction site, was the first to provide aid to the injured cyclist. The officer’s quick actions likely played a crucial role in stabilizing the victim until further medical help arrived.

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Emergency Medical Response

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) from Paramus EMS, along with a paramedic team from The Valley Hospital, soon arrived at the scene. After providing immediate treatment, the victim was transported to a local hospital for further care. The extent of the injuries has not been disclosed, but they were described as serious.

Driver Cooperates with Authorities

The driver of the vehicle involved in the collision, a Mercedes CLA 250, remained at the scene and fully cooperated with the police investigation. Due to the damage sustained to the car’s windshield, a flatbed tow truck was required to remove the vehicle from the site.

Ongoing Investigation

The Paramus Police Department is currently investigating the incident to determine the circumstances that led to the collision. As of now, no further details have been released.

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