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Billionaire Warns: Yellen Collapse ‘Will Be Unlike Any Other’

Inside The International Monetary Fund's Rethinking Macro Policy Conference

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen

Billionaire Warns: Yellen Collapse ‘Will Be Unlike Any Other’

Another horrific stock market crash is coming, and the next bust will be “unlike any other” we have seen.

That’s the message from Jeremy Grantham, co-founder and chief investment strategist of GMO, a Boston-based firm with $117 billion in assets under management. 

Grantham pulls no punches when assigning responsibility for the coming financial carnage. In a recent interview with The New York Times, he calls Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen “ignorant” and says the Federal Reserve all but killed the economic recovery. 

Grimly, he adds, “We have never had this before. It’s going to be very painful for investors.” 

Grantham isn’t the only one worried about a market collapse. 

“We have no right to be surprised by a severe and imminent stock market crash,” explains Mark Spitznagel, a hedge fund manager who is notorious for his hugely profitable billion-dollar bet on the 2008 crisis. “In fact, we must absolutely expect it.” 

Billion-dollar investor Warren Buffett is rumored to be preparing for a crash as well. The “Warren Buffett Indicator,” also known as the “Total-Market-Cap to GDP Ratio,” is breaching sell-alert status and a collapse may happen at any moment. 

So with an inevitable crash looming, what are Main Street investors to do? 

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12 thoughts on “Billionaire Warns: Yellen Collapse ‘Will Be Unlike Any Other’

  1. And when this does happen, the Left’s response will be to blame it on Congress. They now use this every time and the idiots lap it up.

  2. The market has had a great bull run so a pull back is to be expected a collapse i do not think so . This person sounds like chicken little, the sky is falling.

  3. Maybe these two experts will reveal that they are ‘hedging’ via huge ‘short positions’? (and would stand to profit from a market pullback?)

  4. Another short trying to cash in. I fully expect a Web 2.0 crash, and a correction of the DOW to around 12k. I guess that would be pretty severe, but not like we haven’t seen before.

  5. This blog blames everything on the moderates and the left…..even shit that hasn’t happened or may never happen.

  6. Asset values, including equities, values won’t find their true intrinsic value until the Fed stops underwriting risk, and the tax systems stops favoring dividends and capital gains over earned wages. Jeremy Grantham is a great value investor, and he doesn’t see value at these prices.

  7. This is an ad for Peak Profit Systems. Of course it’s going to do its best to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), All we have to do is sign up to be advised by his rocket science-based program that values 8000 stocks simultaneously. Sounds like LTCM to me. I call BS on this. The market may crash due to Yellen — it probably will some time — but not because this guy has unique insight

  8. Anonymous:

    This blog blames everything on the moderates and the left…..even shit that hasn’t happened or may never happen.

    The Left blames everything either on Bush (still 6 years after he left office) and Congress.

  9. bend over and kiss your ass good buy.

  10. Declan, the democrats have held the White House for 14 of the past 22 years… so they can’t blame Bush for anything. However, Congress has been flat out useless on both sides for a long time now. We should all blame Congress for their inability to govern or to compromise, on both sides.

    1. alot a people would say that proves the opposite

  11. This is funny that you people are arguing about who’s fault it is. It is the fault of ALL GOVERNMENT and all members have betrayed us and failed us all. At least the Conservative side of the isle is arming themselves to take out ALL government after this happens. Billionaire’s will be French Revolution style. When this happens Revolution comes and the people that guided us into this position will be dealt with. NO PRISONERS!

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