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Booker Watch: NJGOP Launches Tool To Help NJ Voters Track Booker’s Out Of State Travel


file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  The NJGOP has launched a tool to help New Jersey voters track Senator Cory Booker’s out of state, Presidential campaign travel.

Updates on the locations he has visited outside of his duties as New Jersey’s representative in the United Senate can be found at and on Twitter by following the handle @NJGOP.

NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt offered the following comment on this effort:

“New Jersey is consistently last among every other state in what we get back from Washington versus what we send in. While there was no shortage of public outcry over Governor Christie’s state absences to run for president, there’s a double standard when it comes to Cory Booker. Meanwhile, New Jersey is left behind. We need federal representatives who will dig in and fight for New Jersey to get its fair share.

“These days, it seems Cory Booker is more interested in being Hollywood’s Senator than New Jersey’s Senator.  Instead of spending his time trying to dig New Jersey out of the financial basement, he’s chasing national attention for himself. How does he expect to get the Gateway Tunnel done from South Carolina or California?

“We’ve created a tool to help voters understand just how underrepresented they are while Cory Booker runs for President. Half of his February schedule is already taken up by fundraisers in Beverly Hills and meetings in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. While he’s busy touring them, the rest of New Jersey is back here trailing the other 49 United States.”

6 thoughts on “Booker Watch: NJGOP Launches Tool To Help NJ Voters Track Booker’s Out Of State Travel

  1. Love it…

  2. Oh my god, this photo,

  3. spartacus

  4. Sen. ‘Empty Suit’ Spartacus, vegan for President. Arugula in every pot, kale in every smoothie for all.

  5. Aronsohn lurking in the background. I guess the Murphy gravy train might be drying up. These 2 deserve each other.

  6. who wants to track Senator Bob Menendez…on February 18, 2019 he will be in Brussels

    People you are all stupid who keep voting for these pedophile criminal politcians. do you get less depress by VOTING ?

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