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Booker Watch: NJGOP Launches Tool To Help NJ Voters Track Booker’s Out Of State Travel


file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  The NJGOP has launched a tool to help New Jersey voters track Senator Cory Booker’s out of state, Presidential campaign travel.

Updates on the locations he has visited outside of his duties as New Jersey’s representative in the United Senate can be found at and on Twitter by following the handle @NJGOP.

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Michigan Man Charged With Leaving Threatening Voicemail for Senator Cory Booker


file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Camden NJ, A man accused of leaving a threatening voicemail for US Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey would face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 if convicted. Ricky Lynn Simmons was charged with one count of interstate communication with threat to injure, according to an indictment unsealed January 14 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Authorities said Simmons called Booker’s office in Camden County on October 26, left a message threatening to put a gun in the senator’s face and used racial slurs. In October, Booker was one of several Democratic figures mailed packages containing an improvised explosive device. The package addressed to Booker’s Camden office was intercepted at a South Florida mail-sorting facility. A Florida man was charged.

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Senator Joe Pennachio : Democrat Party has become: taken over by extremists, pushing aside the constitutional and traditional values that we have shared for generations

Saul Alinsky1

Joe Pennachio is the Republican Senator from the 26th District

Trenton NJ, The recent Washington circus involving the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court crystallized what the Democrat Party has become: taken over by extremists, pushing aside the constitutional and traditional values that we have shared for generations. These Democrats attempted to destroy a good man, and in the process, also blew themselves up.
Lewis Carol and Saul Alinsky writing together could not have concocted a more bizarre effort on the Democrats’ part. Any pretense of jurisprudence; moral or civil decorum went out the window. The list of offenses to common decency is exhaustive: The 11th hour release of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations by Dr. Ford; the subsequent illegal leaking of those allegations by Senator Diane Feinstein’s office; and Senator Hirono’s statement that men should “shut up.” Let’s not forget Senator Cory Booker’s so-called “Spartacus moment,” where our very own U.S. Senator had the gall to state that whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.”

Continue reading Senator Joe Pennachio : Democrat Party has become: taken over by extremists, pushing aside the constitutional and traditional values that we have shared for generations