photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
June 8,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Friday morning pedestrian struck at corner of Ridgewood Avenue and North Maple ave near Jersey Mikes 815 am by a midsized truck was making left at light towards kings side.
Village of Ridgewood Police Department, Fire Department and EMS personnel rushed to aid a pedestrian who was struck by a pick up truck at the intersection of North Maple Avenue and East Ridgewood Avenue on Friday morning, 06/08. A paramedic team from The Valley Hospital also responded to the incident.
SUCH a terrible intersection. I never cross there. A boy died there a few years ago. In the crosswalk. Drivers are insand
Very bad drivers go through that section. In the morning when I drive my kid to school i see crazy landscapers, big trucks, contractor trucks run like crazy and so close to every other car. Surprised that more accidents haven’t happened. Where the f…. is our police? It’s just a little town and I never see anyone pulled over for speeding or anything else.
I hope the victim is OK and nothing serious.
it is an intersection with a traffic light and cross walks. There are no viability issues. Not sure why you would say it is a bad intersection. A busy one–yes. Terrible–no.
As you point out the issue is that drivers dont signal, pedestrians dont wait for the signal and drivers dont pay attention.
This is why the blog contributors are accused of overreacting about certain corners that are very dangerous
If in fact someone was killed there .lthat says it all.
The traffic build up requires an early turn left for oncoming traffic onto maple vs the straight ahead RIDGEWOOD avenue racers at that corner .
pedestrian wise during the school year there is a lot of early and departure time students crossing to from the high school.I am sure it’s a hot spot ..wait until there is a housing complex there existing that driveway.
11:26 Victoria,,? there’s a funeral facility nearby too.Corner Needs work..it’s too narrow but that cannot be changed ..let’s add a housing development there to really test the system,,How about an officer on foot to
keep the wolves at bay..
It is a terrible intersection and happens way too often, however pedestrians need to pay more attention as well – not necessarily in this incident, but generally speaking. I see pedestrians just walk right out into a crosswalk just assuming the drivers will stop. Sometimes there is glare or a distracted driver. Got to look out for yourselves and make sure you get that eye contact like they teach in elementary school!
Yes, pedestrians need to be careful. I have seen far too many people just walk right into the street without stopping and looking and allowing oncoming traffic to clear. The law says pedestrians in the crosswalk have the right of way…. but that does not mean someone approaching the corner on the sidewalk has the right of way forcing a car to a sudden stop because the pedestrian did not stop and look both ways at the corner before proceeding.
Any news on the pedestrian? Seems like the article writer forgot the most important part of the story.
I hope we get that GINORMOUS GARAGE built soon so that we can eliminate all of these vehicle/pedestrian accidents in the CBD!
garage is a hail mary Whale to the loosers who manage this town for their crownies. Restaurants keep flipping and going out of business as usual
ALL CBD TRAFFIC SHOULD BE 20 MPH with many large clear signs and lots of tickets.
Yes I agree no one should be gone within 20 miles an hour in the CBD.
I’m sure the Police Department would like to return to the staffing levels that enabled them to have bike patrols in the downtown area. At that time we were able to have cars available to do nothing but patrol the business district. Those days are long gone. Ridgewood would have to hire more police officers in order to properly patrol sensitive areas so that they could catch the speeders, etc. in the act.
RPD is the worst. Our tax dollars at work!
There is a bike lane now though!
library crosswalk towards kings is a death trap.
no police focus outside fact that they are basically across the Street..
kings parking lot on high ground was gods gift to smokey and the bandit..
enough facts for today
mainly police are good people …would like to see them on foot for part of the main day in the village business center to slow cars down