CALLING ALL OBJECTIVISTS (and other lovers of individual freedom):
Are you a fan of Ayn Rand? The Undercurrent–a partnering organization dedicated to spreading Ayn Rand’s ideas on campus–is hosting the first-ever Objectivist student conference. This Fall, hundreds of students will gather to learn the fundamentals of Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism from Objectivism’s greatest experts. This year’s theme: “Individualism and the Case for Liberty.”
Are you the leader of an Objectivist student club? Are you interested in starting a club? If you answered YES to either of these questions, you qualify to join the exclusive leadership training on Day 1 of the conference. Learn development tips from some of the liberty movement’s most successful activists and get to know your fellow club leaders.
Not an Objectivist club leader, but still a fan of Ayn Rand? You’ll be invited to join the general conference and get to know other right-of-center students who share your same passion for developing a freer society.
Lodging is FREE and travel scholarships are available.
Apply today and share this link with your friends and club members on Facebook and Twitter!