the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the East Side of Ridgewood has been officially classified as an overburdened community by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, highlighting issues of minority representation and highlighting widespread issues like pollution, contaminated sites, and limited access to open spaces (see NJDEP data and map).
These aren’t just statistics—they represent the reality of our day-to-day lives. Yet, the current mayor and his bloc have ignored residents and these pressing issues. We deserve leaders who prioritize clean air, safe neighborhoods, and environmental justice.
HyunJu Kwak is a true representative of our community, ready to stand up for our needs and hold leadership accountable. With her, we can ensure Ridgewood becomes a healthier, safer place for everyone. Vote for HyunJu Kwak and bring real change to Ridgewood—change that listens, cares, and acts.
Tell your story #TheRidgewoodblog , #Indpendentnews, #information, #advertise, #guestpost, #affiliatemarketing,#NorthJersey, #NJ , #News, #localnews, #bergencounty, #sponsoredpost, #SponsoredContent, #contentplacement , #linkplacement, Email: Onlyonesmallvoice@gmail.com
Done. By all 4 of my voters. Let’s hope she helps the Habernickel neighborhood too!
environmental justice = Racism
Finally, a formal recognition that Ridgewood’s East Side residents are being treated unjust. All 26k residents should stand against this!
Sad that this information was kept a secret and never provided to Ridgewood residents.
Residents should demand the health and environmental impact data that put them on this map.
Another great accomplishment of our current Mayor Paul Vagianos and his team!
Since this map was done, they discovered 42 Million pounds of contamination in the same area. I’m sure the data is even worse today.
Hawes Neighborhood are you listening? Now do you believe your fellow Schedler residents?
There goes the property values!
My heart breaks for these people. All the money and projects are spent on the protecting and beautifying the West Side and the Mayor’s downtown business district.
As if things aren’t bad enough, the Mayor wants to tear down their last green space and replace 7acres with plastic turf.
conservation and green bee man talking out both sides of his mouth supporting the leveling of hundreds of trees for a plastic field
These look like “no buy” zones for home shoppers.
I will only vote Kwak along with my family but it doesn’t sit well with me playing the “minority representation” card. You get elected for your skills and values not for being a “minority”. Esp in RW the “minorities” are on the rich side of the middle class.
Anyway, I won’t cast any vote for the 3 amigos.
Kwak is more qualitied than all of the rest of the council put together except for Loraine
Because nothing says ‘unbiased village leadership’ quite like a real estate investor on the council.
I find it fascinating that Frank Mortimer trashed the idea of the ADUs ‘accessory dwelling units” because he said it would change the character of our charming village, but yet he is perfectly fine about slapping down plastic carpeting in a lovely green space and he is running with Pam, who by now has sold her soul to the devil and is in lock step with Vagianos who wants to blow up Ridgewood real estate to support his buisess ventures.
Will we be buying more designer garbage cans for the mayor and pavillions for his special friends?