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Car Slams into Parked Landscapers Trailer in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

follow Boyd on Instagram as well as Facebook.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, no injuries were reported following a Tuesday morning, 10/03, crash in which a Mazda CX5 slammed into a landscaper’s equipment trailer in the 300 block of Franklin Turnpike, Ridgewood. The Mazda was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Ridgewood Police Patrol Officer Michael Karcher investigated the incident.

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14 thoughts on “Car Slams into Parked Landscapers Trailer in Ridgewood

  1. Again, this happened last week, did Landscaper have any safety cones behind the trailer. This is happening over and over again.they should have been.

    1. Maybe the driver was not paying attention.

      1. Most likely.

        But all the better if you can go full Victim, throw blame on someone else and eschew personal responsibility…

        It’s the new American Normal.

        Just make sure you get your pronouns right.

    2. They should but they are also pretty large. How can you just slam into one if you were paying attention. Drivers need to be alert at all times. Eyes on the road people!!!

  2. Again, this happened last week, did Landscaper have any safety cones behind the trailer. This is happening over and over again.they should have been. Remember a few years ago when I truck slammed landscape trailer on Prospect. And a landscaper was hurt.

  3. Looking at the photograph, the most likely explanation is that they believed they were entitled to squeeze through, and the oncoming traffic (having right of way) didn’t share that belief.

  4. Listen, the village has a list of landscapers who work in town, they should be registered, a memo should go out to all contractors, landscapers and the police need to enforce this, especially on main roads. There’s no excuse for this. Every Landscaper contractor that has a vehicle parked in the road Should and can afford to put it out a con, just like utility companies do.

    1. YEAH !!!!

      Blame someone else.

      It’s NOT MY FAULT.

      I’m the real VICTIM here.

      What am I supposed to do ?? Pay attention and be personally responsible when I drive ???

    2. I think that when the town stopped charging landscapers a $25/year fee for the privilege of working in town, we lost an opportunity to maintain a list of their contact information for many good reasons and a chance to give them information (such as about relevant old and new ordinances) as well. (Whether this happened or not, it could happen now. New village manager, etc.)

      If the amount of the fee was an issue, how about making it a requirement again and charging $1?

  5. If driver didn’t see that large vehicle in straught away plain view, then thank goodness it wasn’t a kid on a bike. Perhaps too busy with phone?

  6. Thumbs down, hummmm. You must be a landscape company. And you probably start before 8am.

    1. YEAH. Those landscaper b@$tards…

      Probably gets up early.
      Works hard .
      Runs a small business.
      Provides a service to a community that clearly does not want to get their hands dirty doing (ugh) manual labor.

  7. How to assign responsibility when a parked vehicle is hit by a moving vehicle – Ridgewood ONLY:
    Was the parked vehicle
    A – a landscaping vehicle? – PARKED VEHICLE AT FAULT!
    2 – not a landscaping vehicle – MOVING VEHICLE AT FAULT!

    How to assign responsibility when a parked vehicle is hit by a moving vehicle – EVERYWHERE ELSE:

    Another example of the RICH AND STUPID effect!!!

    2 – analysis of blame

  8. How to assign responsibility when a parked vehicle is hit by a moving vehicle – Ridgewood ONLY:
    Was the parked vehicle
    A – a landscaping vehicle? – PARKED VEHICLE AT FAULT!
    2 – not a landscaping vehicle – MOVING VEHICLE AT FAULT!

    How to assign responsibility when a parked vehicle is hit by a moving vehicle – EVERYWHERE ELSE:

    Another example of the RICH AND STUPID effect!!!

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