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The World Cup final will be held at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey in 2026

Met life stadium 1

June 14,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

East Rutherford NJ, For the first time in 32 years, the men’s World Cup is coming back to North America. FIFA’s 200-plus member associations gathered in Moscow on Wednesday and voted to award 2026 World Cup hosting rights to the United States, Canada and Mexico.

In a coup for the Trump administration , 60 of 80 games will be in the United States, with 10 apiece in Canada and Mexico. Those 60 include every game from the quarterfinals onward. Canada and Mexico have proposed three host cities each: Toronto, Montreal and Edmonton will stage games north of the U.S. border, while Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey will be match sites down south.
The U.S. has proposed the Rose Bowl (Pasadena, Calif.) for the opener; Mercedes-Benz Stadium (Atlanta) and AT&T Stadium (Arlington, Tex.) for semifinals; and New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, N.J.) for the final , which will have a capacity of more than 87,000 for the event. Unlike this year, the United States will automatically qualify for the World Cup as a host country.
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New Jersey is currently ranked 49th in the United States for its economic performance

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

April 18,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Arlington VA , The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) today released the much anticipated 2018 edition of Rich States, Poor States. Utah again earns the top spot for states with the best economic outlook, followed by Idaho, Indiana, North Dakota and Arizona. Several states’ success in increased rankings can be tied directly to the success of federal tax reform and the resources it gave to lawmakers to cut taxes at the state level.

The 11th edition of Rich States, Poor States is characterized by great movement in state economic performance and outlook as a result of federal tax reform and the resulting actions of certain states.

Biggest movement in rankings: 

Biggest Gainers
Spots Gained
Biggest Losers
Spots Fell
South Carolina

The 15 economic policy variables used by the authors—top economist Jonathan Williams, White House Advisors Art Laffer and Stephen Moore—to  rank the economic outlook of states have shown over time to be among the most influential variables for state growth. The top ten and bottom ten states for 2018 are:

Overall Economic Outlook for 2018

Top Ten
Bottom Ten
1. Utah
2. Idaho
3. Indiana
4. North Dakota
5. Arizona
6. Florida
7. North Carolina
8. Wyoming
9. South Dakota
10. Virginia
41. Oregon
42. Maine
43. Montana
44. Minnesota
45. Hawaii
46. New Jersey
47. California
48. Illinois
49. Vermont
50. New York

“The untold story of federal tax reform is its impact at the state level, where the vast majority of states are now enjoying unexpected revenue gains,” said Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist and Vice President of the ALEC Center for State Fiscal Reform. “This trend is empowering additional pro-growth tax reform efforts that will provide an added level of benefits for hard-working taxpayers. As states compete with each other for much-needed human and financial capital, there is a clear trend in favor of taxpayer-friendly, market-oriented reforms.”

“The shakeup in rankings is exciting and a testament to how states are always competing to offer the most pro-growth tax climate. When states compete on the merits of good public policy, ultimately the taxpayer ends up being the real winner,” said North Carolina State Rep. and National Chairman Jason Saine.

Cision Image .png

In the past five years alone, 30 states have significantly reduced their tax burdens. Those that fail to adapt to this competitive environment can fall behind by simply standing still. The facts remain clear that pro-growth policies are working and there is a clear trend in favor of market-oriented reforms.

Rich States, Poor States examines the latest trends in state economic growth. The data ranks the 2018 economic outlook of states using 15 equally weighted policy variables, including various tax rates, regulatory burdens and labor policies. The 11th edition examines trends over the last few decades that have helped or hurt states’ economies.

Used by state lawmakers across America since 2008, Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index, is authored by White House Advisor and economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, White House Advisor and Economist Stephen Moore, and Jonathan Williams, Vice President of the American Legislative Exchange Council Center for State Fiscal Reform.

To download a copy of Rich States, Poor States and to see individual state data,

      Overview (2018 Edition)
Cumulative GDP Growth, 2006 – 2016 23.7% 41st
Cumulative Domestic Migration, 2007 – 2016 -516,326 46th
Non-Farm Employment Growth, 2006 – 2016 0.54% 42nd
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village Council

20180411 – Village Council Public Meeting
APRIL 11, 2018
8:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order – Mayor

2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act
3. Roll Call – Village Clerk
4. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
5. Mayor’s Comments
6. Acceptance of Financial Reports
7. Approval of Minutes
8. Proclamations

A. Proclaim April as Tree Planting Month and April 27, 2018 as Arbor Day
B. Proclaim April 28, 2018 LAX Day in Ridgewood
C. Proclaim May 6-12, 2018 National Drinking Water Week
D. Proclaim May as Building Safety Month
E. Proclaim April 1-21, 2018 Distracted Driving Crackdown
9. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3 minutes per person – 40 minutes in total)
10. Village Manager’s Report
11. Village Council Reports

3642 – Water Utility Capital Ordinance ($1,317,000) – Appropriates this money for various capital improvements/purchases, and capital projects
for the Ridgewood Water Utility

3636 – Re-establish Water Rates and Fees – 2010-2017 3637 – Amend Water Rates and Fees – 2018
18-109 Award Contract – Annual Renewal of Mapping Software for GIS for Ridgewood Water (NTE $17,342) – Awards a contract as a sole source provider to Bentley Systems, Inc., 686 Stockton Drive, Exton, PA
18-110 Reject Bid – 2018 Well Improvements – Rejects the bid received for well improvements due to the fact that it exceeded the cost estimate for the project
18-111 Authorize NJDEP Treatment Works Approval (TWA) Applications for Carr Well Facility – Authorizes Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, to file the required NJDEP TWA applications on behalf of the Village of Ridgewood for the discharge of effluent from the Carr Well Facility to the Village’s sanitary sewer collection system
18-112 Approve Temporary Water Utility Capital Budget – Approves a temporary Water Utility Capital Budget, prior to the adoption of the permanent Water Utility Capital Budget
3643 – Establish a CAP Bank – Establishes that the final appropriations in the CY 2018 budget will be increased by 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, amounting to $1,351,174.37 in excess of the increase in final appropriations otherwise permitted. This is done in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14, and is advisable in order to establish a CAP Bank.
3644 – General Capital Ordinance ($4,948,000) – Appropriates this money for various capital improvements/purchases, and capital projects, and purchase of vehicles for the general fund
3645 – Increase Fees for Corrections to Vital Records – Increases the filing and processing fees for correction of forms with the State of New Jersey (birth, marriage, death, civil union and domestic partnership) to $50
3638 – Amend Chapter 212 – Parks and Recreation – Establish Rules and Regulations for Seasonal Skatepark
3640 – Establish Policies for Use of Level One Rooms – Village Hall
3641 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Fees for Use of Level One Rooms – Village Hall
A. Budget Message
18-113 Approve 2018 Municipal Budget and Set May 9, 2018 as the Date for the Public Hearing Thereon
18-114 Approve Temporary General Capital Budget – Approves a temporary General Capital Budget, prior to the adoption of the permanent General Capital Budget
18-115 Approve Emergency Temporary Budget Appropriations – Approves Emergency Temporary Budget Appropriations for the payment of claims prior to the adoption of the 2018 General, Water Utility, and Parking Utility operating budgets
18-116 Title 59 Approval – Tub Grinder – Approves the specifications for Furnishing and Delivering One (1) Tub Grinder prepared by the Water Department, pursuant to Title 59
18-117 Award Contract – Tub Grinder (NTE $365,580) – Awards a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, W.E. Timmerman Co., Inc., 3554 Route 22 West, Whitehouse, NJ
18-118 Title 59 Approval – Replacement of Interior and Exterior Main Entrance Doors at Village Hall – Approves the quote specifications for the Replacement of Interior and Exterior Main Entrance Doors at Village Hall prepared by the Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59
18-119 Award Contract – Replacement of Interior and Exterior Main Entrance Doors at Village Hall (NTE $29,000) – Awards a contract to the lowest quote received from Automatic Door systems, LLC, 86 Porete Avenue, North Arlington, NJ
18-120 Award Contract Under Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Cooperative Purchasing Contract – Replacement of Maple Park Turf Field (NTE $500,011) – Awards a contract under the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Shaw Sports Turf, 96 Evesboro Lane, Freehold, NJ
18-121 Award Professional Services Contract – Planning Services for Visioning Process for Update to Master Plan (NTE $77,583) – Awards a fair and open Professional Services Contract to NV5, Inc., 7 Campus Drive, Suite 300, Parsippany, NJ
18-122 Authorize Shared Services Agreement – Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs (Ridgewood Board of Education) – Approves a Shared Services Agreement with the Ridgewood Board of Education for vehicle maintenance and repair services
18-123 Authorize Execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Ridgewood Health Department with Bergen County Department of Health Services (Public Health Emergency Preparedness) – Authorizes the Mayor, Health Officer, and Village Clerk to execute the MOU which will allow the Village of Ridgewood to partner with Bergen County Department of Health Services for the provision of planning, implementation, and response for State approved services/activities for bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health threats
18-124 Authorize Execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Ridgewood Health Department with Bergen County Department of Health Services (Tuberculosis Control) – Authorizes the Mayor, Health Officer, and Village Clerk to execute the MOU which will allow the Village of Ridgewood to partner with Bergen County Department of Health Services for the provision of tuberculosis control, containment, and prevention
18-125 Authorize Execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Ridgewood Health Department with Bergen County Department of Health Services – (HIV Testing and Services) – Authorizes the Mayor, Health Officer, and Village Clerk to execute the MOU which will allow the Village of Ridgewood to partner with Bergen County Department of Health Services for the provision of HIV counseling, testing and referral services
18-126 Authorize Execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Ridgewood Health Department with Paterson Health Department (Childhood Lead Poisoning) – Authorizes the Mayor, Health Officer, and Village Clerk to execute the MOU which will allow the Village of Ridgewood to partner with the Paterson Health Department to provide a regional site for public health nurse case management of childhood lead poisoning
18-127 Authorize Execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Ridgewood Health Department with Fair Lawn Health Department – Interim Health Officer Services – Authorizes the Mayor, Health Officer, and Village Clerk to execute the MOU which will allow the Health Officers of Fair Lawn and Ridgewood to provide Interim Health Officer Services for each other when necessary
18-128 Declare Property Surplus – Various Equipment – Police Department – Declares various equipment from the Police Department surplus property and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property
18-129 Declare Property Surplus – 1998 Auto Packer – Streets Department – Declares a 1998 Auto Packer surplus property and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property
18-130 Declare Property Surplus – Graydon Pool Inflatable WIBIT Aquatrack – Declares the Graydon Pool inflatable WIBIT Aquatrack surplus property and authorizes the Village Manager to dispose of said property
18-131 Authorize Site Access to Geographic Services, Inc. to North Walnut Street Parking Lot for Sampling Purposes – Authorizes Geographic Services, Inc. to have site access to the North Walnut Street parking lot to sample the existing groundwater monitoring wells as part of the investigation of the subsurface contamination at 32 Cottage Place. This authorization is granted for a period of time not to exceed three years. Geographic Services, Inc. will comply with all Village regulations in performing their work and will also share the information they obtain with the Village of Ridgewood.
18-132 Approve Person to Person and Place to Place Liquor License Transfer – Rocco Berardi to BB Ridgewood, LLC t/a Bareburger – Approves a person to person and place to place plenary retail consumption liquor license transfer from Rocco Berardi, with no licensed premise to BB Ridgewood, LLC t/a Bareburger, 15 East Ridgewood Avenue
18-133 Appointments to Planning Board – Appoints Frances Barto as a Class IV member of the Planning Board, to a term expiring 6/30/20, Matthew Bandelt as Alternate #1 to a term expiring 6/30/18, and Allyson Wesner as Alternate #2 to a term expiring 6/30/19
18-134 Appointments to Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee (REAC) – Appoints Pamela Perron as a Citizen Member to a term expiring 12/31/20, and Christine Amundsen as the Alternate #1 Member to a term expiring 12/31/19
18-135 Appointments to Ridgewood Green Team Advisory Committee – Appoints Catherine Brienza and Justin Manger as Citizen Members for three- year terms expiring 12/31/20 and reassigning George Wolfson from a Citizen Member to a member of REAC, to a one-year term expiring 12/31/18
18-136 Appointment to Shade Tree Commission – Appoints Susan Nashel to a term expiring 12/31/22
18-138 Appointments to Community Relations Advisory Board
18-139 Cancel Contract – Renovation of Somerville Tennis Courts
19. Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)
20. Resolution to go into Closed Session
21. Closed Session
A. Legal – Green Acres Diversion
B. Legal/Contract Negotiations – Hudson Street Parking Garage
22. Adjournment

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Ridgewood Police patrol units respond to Godwin Avenue report of an assault in progress

ridgewood police

photo by Boyd Loving

February 9,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that  on February 4, patrol units responded to 8 Godwin Avenue on a report of an assault in progress. Upon arrival, patrol located both parties which were involved in the physical altercation. Neither party wanted to sign criminal complaints and both refused medical attention at the scene. While investigating the incident, one involved party was found to have an active warrant for arrest out of North Arlington, N.J. so officers arrested the 19-year-old male from Glen Rock, N.J. The North Arlington Police were notified and the arrestee was later released on his own recognizance after a new court date was provided.

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8 towns in Bergen County that lowered property taxes form 2016 to 2017

bergen county

February 9,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, surprisingly there were actually 66 towns in NJ where property taxes actually went DOWN. According to NJ105 radio , while the Village of Ridgewood had a 2.80% property tax increase from 2016 to 2017.The were however 8 towns in Bergen County that lowered property taxes , none of them bordering Ridgewood.

2017 avg: $17,667
2016 avg:$17,181
Change: 2.80%

Towns that border Ridgewood :

2017 avg: $9,440
2016 avg:$9,098
Change: 3.80%

2017 avg: $11,571
2016 avg:$11,272
Change: 2.70%

2017 avg: $15,957
2016 avg:$15,583
Change: 2.40%

2017 avg: $15,805
2016 avg:$15,462
Change: 2.20%

2017 avg: $13,778
2016 avg:$13,481
Change: 2.20%

2017 avg: $10,481
2016 avg:$10,331
Change: 1.50%

2017 avg: $10,777
2016 avg:$10,693
Change: 0.80%

7 towns in Bergen county had property tax decreases :

ROCKLEIGH — Bergen County
2017 average: $14,315
Cut from ’16: -8.%

2017 average: $9,631
Cut from ’16: -2.2%

CARLSTADT — Bergen County
2017 average: $6,886
Cut from ’16: -2.%

WOODCLIFF LAKE — Bergen County
2017 average: $15,467
Cut from ’16: -0.6%

HAWORTH — Bergen County
2017 average: $17,696
Cut from ’16: -0.4%

SADDLE RIVER — Bergen County
2017 average: $17,172
Cut from ’16: -0.3%

2017 average: $10,707
Cut from ’16: -0.2%

LODI — Bergen County
2017 average: $10,275
Cut from ’16: -0.1%

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Five More Defendants Plead Guilty for Their Roles in Multimillion Dollar India-Based Call Center IRS Scam Targeting U.S. Victims

IRS Scam
file photo by Boyd Loving
June 6,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Five men, including two individuals who formerly worked at scam call centers in India, each pleaded guilty within the past two weeks for their respective roles in a massive telephone impersonation fraud and money laundering scheme perpetrated by India-based call centers.
Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Blanco of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez of the Southern District of Texas, Executive Associate Director Peter T. Edge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Inspector General J. Russell George of the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) and Inspector General John Roth of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS-OIG) made the announcement.

From May 26 to June 6, Rajubhai Patel, 32, an Indian national most recently residing in Willowbrook, Illinois; Viraj Patel, 33, an Indian national most recently residing in Anaheim, California; Dilipkumar Ambal Patel, 53, an Indian national most recently residing in Corona, California; and Fahad Ali, 25, a Pakistani national and permanent U.S. resident most recently residing in Dyer, Indiana, each pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy before U.S. District Court Judge David Hittner of the Southern District of Texas. Hardik Patel, 31, an Indian national most recently residing in Arlington Heights, Illinois, pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy before the same court on June 2. Sentencing dates are pending for all five defendants.

According to admissions made in connection with the plea agreements, the five men and their co-conspirators perpetrated a complex scheme in which individuals from call centers located in Ahmedabad, India, impersonated officials from the IRS and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and engaged in other telephone call scams, in a ruse designed to defraud victims in the U.S. Using information obtained from data brokers and other sources, call center operators targeted U.S. victims, who were threatened with arrest, imprisonment, fines or deportation if they did not pay alleged monies owed to the government. Victims who agreed to pay the scammers were instructed how to provide payment, including by purchasing stored value cards or wiring money. Upon payment, the call centers would immediately turn to a network of “runners” based in the U.S. to liquidate and launder the fraudulently obtained funds.

Based on the statements in his June 2 guilty plea, beginning in August 2012, Hardik Patel owned and managed the day-to-day operations of an India-based scam call center before later leaving for the U.S. While in India, in his capacity as a manager, Hardik Patel communicated extensively via email, text, and other means with various India-based co-defendants to operate the scheme and exchange scripts used in the scheme, coordinate the processing of payments from scammed victims, obtain and exchange lead lists used by callers to target U.S. victims, and exchange spreadsheets containing the personal identifying information (PII) of U.S. persons misappropriated by the scammers to register reloadable cards used in the scheme. Hardik Patel also managed worker payroll and kept detailed records of profits and expenses for various associated scam call centers. Hardik Patel continued to communicate with India-based co-defendants about the scheme and assist with the conspiracy after he moved to the U.S.

According to his June 6 guilty plea, Rajubhai Patel operated as a runner and assisted a co-defendant in managing the activities of a crew of other runners, based primarily out of Illinois, who liquidated victim funds in various locales in the U.S. for conspirators from India-based call centers. Rajubhai Patel communicated about the liquidation of scam funds via electronic WhatsApp communications with domestic and India-based co-defendants, purchased reloadable cards registered using the misappropriated PII of U.S. citizens that were later used to receive victims’ funds, and used those cards to purchase money orders and deposit them into various bank accounts of co-defendants and others as directed. Rajubhai Patel also admitted to creating and maintaining spreadsheets that detailed deposits, payments to co-conspirators, expenses and profits from the scheme.

According to admissions made in his June 2 guilty plea, Viraj Patel first became involved in the conspiracy between April and September 2013, prior to entering the U.S., when he worked at and assisted with overseeing the operations of a call center in India engaging in scam activity at the behest of a co-defendant. After entering the U.S., beginning in December 2014 Viraj Patel engaged in additional activities in support of the scheme in exchange for a cut of the profits, including serving as a processor of scam victim payments and as a runner engaging in the purchase and liquidation of cards loaded with victim scam funds. Viraj Patel communicated with various India-and U.S.-based co-defendants in furtherance of the conspiracy, and also obtained and circulated lead lists to his co-conspirators containing the PII of U.S. citizens for use by the call centers in targeting victims of the various fraud schemes and to register reloadable cards used to launder the proceeds of the schemes.

Based on the admissions made in his May 26 guilty plea, since late 2013, Dilipkumar A. Patel operated as a runner in and around Southern California, along with other co-defendants based in the region. At the direction of India-based co-conspirators, often via electronic WhatsApp communications, Patel admitted to participating in the purchase of reloadable cards registered with the PII of U.S. citizens, and the subsequent liquidation of victim scam funds loaded to those cards by co-conspirators, while keeping a percentage of the victim funds on the cards for himself.

According to his guilty plea, also on May 26, beginning in or around 2013, Fahad Ali worked as a member of a crew of runners operating in the Chicago, Illinois area, the Southern District of Texas and elsewhere throughout the country. Ali admitted that he first served as a driver for an Illinois-based co-defendant engaging in activities in furtherance of the conspiracy. Ali later operated at the direction of that co-defendant and others, via various means of communication, including text messages, to purchase reloadable cards, and then liquidate victim scam proceeds placed on those cards by India-based co-conspirators, in exchange for recurring payments. Ali also admitted to using false identification documents to receive wire transfers from victims of the fraud.

To date, Hardik Patel, Rajubhai Patel, Viraj Patel, Dilipkumar A. Patel, Fahad Ali, 51 other individuals and five India-based call centers have been charged for their roles in the fraud and money laundering scheme in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Texas on Oct. 19, 2016. Including the most recent pleas, a total of nine defendants have pleaded guilty thus far in this case. Co-defendants Bharatkumar Patel, Ashvinbhai Chaudhari, Harsh Patel and Nilam Parikh previously pleaded guilty on April 13; April 26; May 11; and May 18, respectively.

The remaining defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

HSI, DHS-OIG and TIGTA led the investigation of this case. Also providing significant support were: the Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs; Ft. Bend County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; police departments in Hoffman Estates and Naperville, Illinois, and in Leonia, New Jersey; San Diego County District Attorney’s Office Family Protection and Elder Abuse Unit; U.S. Secret Service; U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Inspector General; IOC-2; INTERPOL Washington; USCIS; U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service; and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in Northern District of Alabama, District of Arizona, Central District of California, Northern District of California, District of Colorado, Northern District of Florida, Middle District of Florida, Northern District of Illinois, Northern District of Indiana, District of Nevada and District of New Jersey. The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau also provided assistance in TIGTA’s investigation.

Senior Trial Attorney Michael Sheckels and Trial Attorney Mona Sahaf of the Criminal Division’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section, Trial Attorney Robert Stapleton of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section and Assistant U.S. Attorneys S. Mark McIntyre and Craig M. Feazel of the Southern District of Texas are prosecuting the case.

A Department of Justice website has been established to provide information about the case to already identified and potential victims and the public. Anyone who believes they may be a victim of fraud or identity theft in relation to this investigation or other telefraud scam phone calls may contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) via this website.

Anyone who wants additional information about telefraud scams generally, or preventing identity theft or fraudulent use of their identity information, may obtain helpful information on the IRS tax scams website, the FTC phone scam website and the FTC identity theft website.

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Don’t get caught texting while driving through these small NJ towns

ridgewood police
file photo by Boyd loving
By Adam Hochron April 17, 2017 5:58 PM
Courtesy of United States Department of TransportationIf last year is any indication, police in some of New Jersey’s smallest municipalities will be giving out the largest number of distracted driving tickets during the month-long crackdown that ends April 21.

Bergen County 

Fairview: 114 tickets

Allendale 2
Alpine 2
Carlstadt 19
Demarest 5
Glen Rock 1
Hackensack 4
Hasbrouck Heights 13
Haworth 5
Leonia 4
Lyndhurst 19
Midland Park 4
North Arlington 19
Northvale 9
Norwood 2
Ramsey 1
River Vale 1
Upper Saddle River 19
Westwood 9
Wood-Ridge 4

Read More: Don’t get caught texting while driving through these small NJ towns |

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Study : Newark, NJ, is the worst city in the United States to own a car


This Northeast city is the worst place to own a car, new study says

Brittany Jones-Cooper
Yahoo FinanceJanuary 25, 2017

Owning a car offers freedom and convenience, but it also comes with stress. As with most big purchases, the state you live in can have a huge impact on costs, and a new study confirms that car ownership in coastal cities can be a time consuming and expensive experience.

According to SmartAsset, a personal finance advice site, Newark, NJ, is the worst city in the United States to own a car. Why? Newark’s proximity to New York City makes traffic a nightmare, as nearly 5 million people in the metro area attempt to drive to work every day. This gridlock costs the average driver $1,739 in traffic costs, due to travel time and extra fuel consumed while idling.

To compile its list, SmartAsset looked at several factors of car ownership, including number of hours  spent in traffic, annual cost of traffic, the number of repair shops, accessibility to parking garages, stress, public transportation options and theft.

Speaking of theft, Newark is also a tough on car owners because, well, your car might get stolen. According to the New Jersey State Police, there were 2,412 total motor vehicle thefts in Newark in 2014. That is equal to 8.66 car thefts per 1,000 residents. In comparison, Arlington, Va. had the lowest number of thefts per capita on SmartAsset’s list, with 157 thefts a year, or 0.7 thefts per 1,000 residents.

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Why so many domestic killings this year in Bergen County this year?


July 8,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Deaths of former Ridgewood Deputy Mayor and wife are called suicide . Earlier this week
Police brought three Carlstadt children to safety over a backyard fence after their father shot and killed their mother on the front lawn of their home before killing himself.

These two incidents are just two more in a string of area domestic killings this year in Bergen County.
On June 1, a 53-year-old Fair Lawn man shot his elderly parents dead, started a fire and turned the gun on himself .In March, a 44-year-old Bergenfield man shot and killed his 36-year-old wife and then himself .Back in late January, authorities charged a 45-year-old North Arlington man with beating his 47-year-old wife to death with a hammer .

Different circumstances for sure but authorities continue to look for clues that could make these episodes more predictable.
Experts normally attribute domestic killings to many causes ,“Prior domestic violence is by far the number-one risk factor in these cases,however unemployment was a significant risk factor for murder-suicide but only when combined with a history of domestic violence.

“In a seminar titled Men Who Murder Their Families: What the Research Tells Us, an expert panel discussed a recent spike in news reports of “familicide” cases. Panelists included Jacquelyn C. Campbell of Johns Hopkins University, author David Adams, and Richard Gelles of the University of Pennsylvania. Campbell, Anna D. Wolf Chair and professor at JHU’s School of Nursing, discussed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Reporting System. Of the 408 homicidesuicide cases, most perpetrators were men (91 percent) and most used a gun (88 percent).

A 12-city study that Campbell conducted of these cases found that intimatepartner violence had previously occurred in 70 percent of them. Interestingly, only 25 percent of prior domestic violence appeared in the arrest records, according to Campbell. Researchers uncovered much of the prior domestic violence through interviews with family and friends of the homicide victims.

“Prior domestic violence is by far the number-one risk factor in these cases,” Campbell said. She also explained that most people who commit murder-suicide are non-Hispanic white males who kill their mates or former mates. Prior domestic violence is the greatest risk factor in these cases. Access to a gun is a significant risk factor, as are threats with a weapon, a stepchild in the home or estrangement. However, a past criminal history is not a reliable or significant predictor in murder-suicide. In the aftermath of a family murder followed by a suicide, communities, police, researchers and others search for explanations. In difficult financial times, it may be natural to look for economic influences, especially when the killer has recently lost a job or has enormous financial problems.

Campbell found that unemployment was a significant risk factor for murder-suicide but only when combined with a history of domestic violence. In other words, it was not a risk factor in and of itself but was something that tipped the scale following previous abuse. ( )”

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Bergen archery range in Mahwah shut amid archery club infighting



MAHWAH — The Bergen County-owned archery range at Campgaw Mountain remained closed over the weekend, as Bergen County officials investigate allegations in a power struggle splitting members of one of the oldest archery clubs in North Jersey.

Bergen Bowmen longtime members Joann and Joe Mills of Ridgefield Park say a band of “impostors” has taken over the non-profit club through improper elections in December and that they’re worried about the club’s future and that of the range its members have helped maintain for decades. But those who call themselves the new leaders of the Bergen Bowmen and their supporters argue online that they were fairly elected and that ousted members must turn over club records.

The tension is a notable low point for the 60-year-old storied club, which had a membership of about 70 last year and has drawn newfound interest among fans of the archery-heavy book series “The Hunger Games” and its film versions, as well as “The Avengers” movie. Over the years, the club has been a leader in promoting archery in North Jersey, while also backing state legislation expanding the black bear hunt and allowing hunters to donate venison to soup kitchens.

The county has stopped processing permits needed by the club to access the range until the two sides “completely” resolve the dispute, said a Feb. 5 letter by Deputy County Counsel John Libretti.

Jack Spoto, executive vice president of the United Bowhunters of New Jersey, said his organization isn’t “picking sides,” but called the infighting a “shame.”

“It means a lot of archers aren’t allowed to go to Campgaw and shoot and practice,” he said. “We’re trying to help the county get the archery range up and running until the infighting is over. We’d be willing to allow the county and archers to use our insurance policy.”

The fight over who are the “real” leaders of the club is playing out over competing “official” websites and Facebook pages — all named “Bergen Bowmen.” A key question is: Who has the legal right to obtain the $2 million in general liability insurance that Bergen County requires? The club must have it to be eligible for a $100, one-year club permit allowing members to shoot arrows at the Campgaw range.

The range also has been open to the general public. Typically, it costs a county resident $12 for an annual archery permit for the range, and $60 for a non-resident, who must show proof of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.

Bergen’s nearby Darlington County Park is one entity handling archery permits. A park employee who answered the phone Friday said the range would “hopefully” reopen soon, but that it was closed over the weekend because “of a problem with archery clubs.”

The two factions are trading allegations of actions amounting to criminal conduct. Libretti, the deputy county counsel, wrote that the Bergen Bowmen members and affiliates can’t access the range “until further notice,” and that the county will “remove and prosecute as trespassers” any members or associates who try to do so.

“Meanwhile, various county departments are conducting investigations in an attempt to sort through the myriad of allegations alleged by all parties,” Libretti wrote to leaders of both factions, Joel Riotto of Demarest and Joann Mills, whom he addressed as secretary of the Bergen Bowmen.

Bergen County spokesman Mike Pagan said that given the investigation, county officials are not allowed to comment on any related matter.

When reached by phone, Riotto declined to discuss the dispute. The website lists him as the 2016 membership data committee chairman and a past Bergen Bowmen president.

“It’s not a lack of a desire to cooperate,” Riotto said, “and again I caution you, do some due diligence before you quote anyone. You may find it’s possible that you’ve been misled.”

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Ridgewood H.S. Sports: Athletes, coach honored at All-County banquets


DECEMBER 18, 2015    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2015, 12:31 AM

The Bergen County Coaches Association (BCCA) and Bergen County Women Coaches Association (BCWCA) held their fall sports awards banquets at the Fiesta in Wood-Ridge earlier this week.

Numerous Ridgewood High School athletes and coaches were honored for being named to an All-County first team or with other special awards.

Here is a look at the Maroons who were recognized:

Tuesday: BCWCA dinner

Ridgewood was named as the Large Schools Team of the Year for girls cross-country after winning the Bergen County Group B and Bergen Meet of Champions (BMOC) titles, both at Darlington Park. The Maroons honored for being on the All-Bergen first team were junior Olympia Martin and senior Sam Halvorsen, who finished 2-3 at the BMOC and 1-2 at the North 1, Group 4 sectional.

In addition, the State Group 4 race winner Martin was tabbed as one of 10 finalists for The Record Fall Athlete of the Season award, which went to Northern Valley/Old Tappan volleyball player Natalie Alechko.

Three Ridgewood girls were recognized for being chosen to the All-County gymnastics first team: junior Mika Tamura and freshmen Katherine Muccio and Victoria Purritano, all of whom scored over 36 all-around this season.

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Despite other shopping options, Black Friday thrives in North Jersey


NOVEMBER 27, 2015, 8:30 AM    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2015, 11:33 PM

Chris Singleton of North Arlington was out shopping with his wife and children on Black Friday because the post-Thanksgiving activity is a holiday tradition.

“It’s not even the deals, it’s just the excitement,” said Singleton, a telecommunications engineer who was shopping at the Toys “R” Us on Route 17 in Paramus. “It gets you into the holiday spirit.”

For thousands of shoppers in North Jersey, the malls and stores still are the place to be on the Friday after Thanksgiving. But the Black Friday shopping frenzy that used to jam the highways near the malls and create long lines at the stores is not that big of a deal anymore.

The spending that used to be focused on a single “Super Bowl of Shopping” event now is spread out over multiple days, and divided by new ways to shop, such as online or with a smartphone, that don’t involve driving to the mall.
“Every year the season gets longer,” said Charlie O’Shea, vice president at Moody’s Investors Service, referring to earlier promotions. And this year, many of the top deals were available online, as well as in stores, unlike previous years. As a result, he said, it is more difficult to compare the strength of this Black Friday to previous years.

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The definitive recap of Bergen’s Election 2015


Posted by Matthew Gilson On November 04, 2015 1 Comment

By Matthew Gilson | The Save Jersey Blog

Let’s dive right in, Save Jerseyans…

#1 – District 36 Got Even More Republican Locally

While things were dicey across the county, Republicans once again exceeded expectations in District 36, sweeping all the competitive races.  The surprise of the night came in Wallington where two Republican challengers will join Chris Sinisi andSharon Robie on the council in January to create the first Republican majority in the town in decades.

In Carlstadt, though not unexpected Councilman Craig Lahullier scored a landslide victory along with his running mates to keep the town in firm Republican hands. Rutherford proved another solid victory for Mayor Joe DeSalvo and his team who now hold a 4-2 advantage on the council.  While expected, it is nonetheless amazing that North Arlington, a town where Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1, will now be completely Republican controlled as top vote-getter Brian Fitzhenry and his team clobbered the Democratic incumbents.

District 36 GOP’ers cleaned-up on a night with not a lot to be excited about elsewhere. They are the model for which the entire county should be running elections.

#2 – John Cosgrove Did More Than Enough to Cement Himself to Take on Bob Gordon

He may not have carried his running mates, but Mayor John Cosgrove was hundreds of votes ahead of his nearest Democratic competitor. I noted earlier that a big victory would set up Cosgrove to take on Gordon in 2017, and he put on a show made even more impressive by the fact that it was a dismal night for many in towns near him.

Republicans lost in the neighboring District 38 towns including Paramus and Glen Rock. While the lost Republican seats will be our top targets in 2017, Cosgrove gives Republicans a top-flight candidate to take on Gordon. Much like the “Scarpa or bust” chants of this year, the discussion of who should take on Gordon begins and ends with Cosgrove. But speaking of popular mayors in the swing district….

#3 – Popular Candidates Can Still Beat Machines

Nothing put on a smile on my face more than the re-election of Norman Schmelz in Bergenfield. Norman is truly one of the good guys and a dedicated mayor, but he faced an onslaught of dirty attacks by his opponents including a full-blown attack website. Knowing the overwhelming Democratic tilt of the town, Democrats tried to tie Norman to Chris Christie, Scott Garrett, Anthony Cappola and stopped just short of portraying him as a patsy of Nucky Thompson. Through the onslaught, through the excessive spending gap, through the bad night for everyone else, Norman Schmelz still eeked out a victory and proved good guys and popular candidates can still win.