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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “TEST TO STAY” GUIDANCE The US CDC on December 17 said unvaccinated students exposed to a person with COVID-19 can remain in school if they are tested twice in the week following exposure and both tests are negative. The new guidance, known as “test to stay,” is an effort to keep children in school instead of having to quarantine at home and miss class, while also alleviating the burden on parents to arrange child care.

The new protocol—which should be used as one method in a layered prevention approach—is based on 2 studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), one examining the policy in Los Angeles County, California, and the other in Lake County, Illinois. The studies were conducted prior to the detection of the fast-spreading Omicron variant of concern, but CDC officials said they have confidence the mitigation strategy will work and will update guidance as needed. Agency officials also urged parents to vaccinate their children if they are eligible, as it remains the best way to prevent infection or severe disease. Under current CDC guidance, vaccinated people do not have to quarantine after a known exposure unless they have symptoms but should be tested 5-7 days after the exposure and wear a mask until testing negative.

Last Thursday, the NJDOH updated it’s quarantine guidelines. As per the new recommendations, close contacts who are not fully vaccinated should be excluded for 10 days (in absence of testing) from the date of the last contact. Close contacts who test negative during the 5th through 7th days following the date of the last contact may return on the 8th day or thereafter.


  1. Do we or did we ever test school kids for the flu virus? No. We went to school. We didn’t wear masks. We survived.

    Democrat control freaks are leading us down the rabbit hole.

  2. These kids are totally F-ed.

    Between the fear mongering, mask wearing and indoctrination…

    …toss in a little Social (and regular) Media to finish them off.

    This will be the most messed-up generation in a looooong time.

  3. I love to know the number of people that get the flu every year, and how many people pass away from the flow

  4. A duckduckgo search for the phrase “How many Omicron deaths in the US to date?” yields the following results (presented in descending date order):

    Newsweek article dated 12/21/21 says ONE:

    CDC article dated 12/20/21 has the word “death” 5 times, but no report of Omicron deaths!

    Local news source in Texas reports “first Omicron Death” – article dated 12/21/21:

    Even SNOPES, that bastion of “truth” (LOL), reports 0 deaths WORLDWIDE as of 12/9/21, and updated this web page on 12/18/21 to state 14 deaths worldwide, and ended that post stating.
    “There will be no further updates to this fact check.”

    Curiouser and curiouser – move along, nothing to see here…

    BUT: Newsweek 12/21/21 article reports 650,000 CASES last week, citing a CDC report:

    So just for fun let’s do a little “slanted” math – using the “best case” numbers – slanted in favor of those in control of the media and government to reach a conclusion. Not at all a scientific conclusion, but one that the common man might jump to after a casual “web surf” session of the above sites –

    14 deaths (worldwide as of 12/18/21 divided by 650,000 cases (last week in the US) =


    .0000002153846154 % DEATH RATE!

    I didn’t search “deaths from being bitten by a French Poodle” – but it’s probably a higher percentage…

    A quote attributed to Ben Franklin still rings true today –
    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

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