the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at last nights BOE meeting board member Christina Krauss just announced that she’s resigning from the BOE on July 29th because she’s relocating to Florida in August.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at last nights BOE meeting board member Christina Krauss just announced that she’s resigning from the BOE on July 29th because she’s relocating to Florida in August.
Gotta get away from those high NJ taxes even if it means saying goodbye to your friends at the BOE. It’s all about money, and nothing but money.
Her departing gift was 140 Million debt to taxpayers. What a legend!
Did she roll her eyes roll and suck her teeth while making the announcement, in her usual fashion?
Good. Load up residents with debt and then leave the town as soon as your own kids are done.
She learned in June that she’d be leaving in July? Clearly, she’s been planning the big relocation for a very long time and had to stick out long enough to see a few promises through; inflated capital improvements, padded consulting fees…
Maybe we’ll get another rocket scientist like Kaufman to fill her open spot!
Lots of nasty comments…
Today 235 homes on the market in the Village of Ridgewood. Look for your self on line.
“Good. Load up residents with debt and then leave the town as soon as your own kids are done.”
This is news to you?
This is how Ridgewood has been operating for decades and you bought into it hook line and realtor sinker and now your gonna bitch?
selling my house poster..canary in the local coal mine…last guys will get hurt big time
She smart to Demote her self. Get away from the bullshit. Very smart move
Hoping they bring Denise Pierce Lima in to replace. Oh what a grand time we would have with that!
Denise Pierce Lima? Does she have any kids in the school system or any at all? Had to ask since she’s always throwing around the question. Enquiring minds want to know.
Such an overrated school system.
Towns Management and BOED is run like a riverboat casino operation..everybody else has to pay and you can’t get to the gangplank until they have soaked you for all of your retirement savings with High taxes and endless construction boondoggles..No accountability when no one
in management gives a dam..they cash out as well .