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City of Hackensack Fire Department Deals with Multiply Accidents Eastbound and Westbound on the Hackensack River Bridge at the Same Time

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photos courtesy of City of Hackensack Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, at 4:00pm Thursday May 11th the City of Hackensack Fire Department Engine 1, Engine 2, Rescue 1 and Deputy 3 were dispatched to Route 80 Eastbound on the Hackensack River bridge for a reported motorcyclist down.

While en-route Engine 2 and Deputy 3 were redirected to Route 80 Westbound on the Hackensack River bridge for a three car motor vehicle collision directly across the highway from the first accident. Engine 1 and Rescue 1 provided first aid and checked for injuries on motorcycle rider until the arrival of HUMC BLS who took over patient care. Members assisted with packaging of patient for transport to Hackensack University Medical Center.

Deputy 3 and Engine 2 provided first aid and checked for injuries on all vehicle operators. One patient was turned over to Little Ferry BLS for further evaluation. Accidents cased major rush-hour backups.

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