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City of Hackensack Fire Department Douses Electric Vehicle Fire in Parking Garage

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photos courtesy of the City of Hackensack Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack Nj, on March 8th at 01:30am the City of Hackensack Fire Department members of 4th platoon responded to 435 Main St on Box 5-6-2. An activation of the elevator pit smoke detector led Engine 5 to the lower level parking garage below the 6 story light weight occupied apartment building. It was there that Engine 5 was met with banked down smoke causing limited visibility while searching for the cause. A car fire was quickly located and 2 lines were stretched with one operating. The car fire was swiftly knocked down. Additional precautions and measures were required due to the fact that it was an electric vehicle (EV) which do not extinguish easily as regular vehicles do. Firefighters operated on scene for about 7hrs until the vehicle was fully extinguished and able to be safely removed from below the apartments. One firefighter was injured and was released from Hackensack Hospital overnight.

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