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Concerns Over Job Prospects for the Class of ’22


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, with the economy still struggling, most Americans believe this year’s class of college graduates face a tough job market.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of American Adults believe it will be difficult for recent college graduates to find a job in the current economy, including 19% who say it will be Very Difficult. A year ago, 59% thought it would be difficult for graduates to find a job. In April 2020, when many businesses were under lockdown orders because of the COVID-19 pandemic, 82% said it would be difficult for graduates to get a job. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

6 thoughts on “Concerns Over Job Prospects for the Class of ’22

  1. Sorry, but this is the absolute best job market in a generation for graduates. I don’t know a graduating student who doesn’t have a great job. Of course, a kid has to get off his/her/they ass to look for one.

    Oh, and maybe I am dating myself, but these kids are getting $10-15k signing bonuses- I certainly didn’t get one of those 30 years ago.

    Anyone complaining about their kid not being able to get a job should turn off the kid’s xbox or remind them that Art Literature was always going to be a bit of a problem.

  2. A degree in gender studies is about as useless as **** on a bull

  3. Graduating students can thank Joe Biden for a terrible job market.

    Joe Biden doesn’t care about students, recent graduates, or the economy. Joe Biden only cares about helping his wealthy elitist democrat pals make millions.

    1. Wondering how much of the 40bn gets kicked back to the elite libs

  4. Plenty of jobs in the medical field.

    1. But you have to willing to work very hard ..

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