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Creepy softball coach tried to turn us into porn stars, players claim


By Josh Saul

October 2, 2015 | 6:22pm

The coach of the women’s softball team at a Christian college in Rockland County tried to turn his players into porn stars by offering to help them get jobs in the adult entertainment industry — and even invited well-known skin-flick actress ­Allie Haze to a practice so she could deliver “life counseling sessions,’’ bombshell lawsuits state.

Kurt Ludwigsen, 44, was arrested in April for improper sexual conduct with his Nyack College players. Lawsuits filed Friday by three of them charge he would routinely slap their butts, grab their breasts and make them sit on his lap.

“I am going to ear f–k you. This is your punishment. You are going to stand here and take it,” Ludwigsen told a pitcher after she lost a game in March 2015, according to her Manhattan federal court lawsuit. “Ludwigsen then began to lick [her] ear. When [she] tried to pull away, Ludwigsen held her tighter and said, ‘Stop moving. I told you that you are going to stand here and take it.’ ”

The suits also accuse Ludwigsen of “inviting Haze to practice and directing students to life counselling sessions with her.”

One thought on “Creepy softball coach tried to turn us into porn stars, players claim

  1. Probably a better starting salary…something to think about.

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