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Derailed: 51% Want Transportation Secretary Buttigieg to Resign

Pete Buttigieg

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC,, in the wake of the Ohio train derailment disaster, a majority of voters believe Transportation Secretary Peter Buttigieg should resign.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 45% of Likely U.S. voters have a favorable impression of Buttigieg, including 25% who have a Very Favorable view of him. Forty-four percent (44%) see Buttigieg unfavorably, including 34% with a Very Unfavorable opinion. Another 10% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

A total of 38 train cars derailed in East Palestine, near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. They included “11 tank cars carrying hazardous materials that subsequently ignited, fueling fires” that damaged a dozen cars that didn’t derail, according to the the NTSB .

Five of those derailed train cars were carrying 115,580 gallons of vinyl chloride, according to the report. Vinyl chloride can increase the risk of cancer and is highly flammable.

Those five cars “continued to concern authorities because the temperature inside one tank car was still rising,” indicating a polymerization reaction which could result in an explosion, the report said. To help prevent a deadly explosion of vinyl chloride, crews released the toxic chemical into a trench and burned it off three days after the derailment.

A 2022 movie “White Noise,” was shot in blue-collar East Palestine, Ohio and is based on a novel by Don DeLillo. The book was published in 1985, shortly after a chemical disaster in Bhopal, India, that killed nearly 4,000 people. The book and film follow the fictional Gladney family – a couple and their four kids – as they flee an “airborne toxic event” and then return home and try to resume their normal lives.

9 thoughts on “Derailed: 51% Want Transportation Secretary Buttigieg to Resign

  1. Just 51%?

    1. But in every survey, there’s always THAT 25% (or near to it).

  2. Typical ‘identity’ politics appointee as are the rest of them

    1. Imagine a transportation secretary that couldn’t fix potholes in south bend indiana when he was the mayor

  3. No no no, he’s perfect there. Makes Sleepy Joe look even worse

  4. Well, at least he let us know his pronouns… that’s qualification enough for me.

    1. yes she did

  5. Ten times smarter than most of his critics.

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