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Despite Calls For More Parking Ridgewood Merchants Continue to take Prime Spots


the satff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The President of The Ridgewood Guild is Mr. Tony Damiano.  Posturing as an important dignitary in town, claims that businesses which might have come to Ridgewood opted out because there was insufficient parking. 

The current council set up a system whereby employees would be directed to park in sections of the Cottage Place and Walnut Street lots, thereby freeing up valuable on-street spots in front of stores and restaurants.  And yet Damiano parks his own vehicle in prime on-street spots every day, as seen in this photograph. 

If you think this is a one-off, you are wrong.  We have at least 15 more photos of his car in various NON-EMPLOYEE prime spots on North Broad, near his store.   Damiano was a big promoter of the Hudson Garage (Aronsohn Version) yet refused to work with the new administration when the “3 amigos ” left office .

11 thoughts on “Despite Calls For More Parking Ridgewood Merchants Continue to take Prime Spots

  1. What “calls for more parking”?
    Are these the “calls” being made at the developers’ meetings???

  2. Damiano is a two-faced whiner

  3. There are easily 50-75 other owner/employees that do the same exact thing. The Moxie Girls feed the meters all day.

  4. moxie Girls just doin thar thing…makin a livin..que up the BeeJees ” stayin ALive Stayin Alive…”

    what did we expect ..really Folks

  5. Don’t care that much about the Moxie girls. What I care about is the head of the Chamber of Commerce taking up spaces when he always says there are not enough parking spaces. What a two face. And he lives on Broad street.

  6. The entirety of. broad street store front side parking and a good bit of the other side is ALL business owners and employees. That they are even allowed to weigh in on a parking garage in this town is appalling. Particularly when they don’t own homes here.
    Beyond that, moxie is an abomination on rw Ave to begin with. They never cared about the downtown and it’s needs.
    Tickets need to be handed out in for e along broad. Taking note of plate numbers and flat out no mercy to the BUSINESS owners. Leave the patrons alone. They’re at a disadvantage thanks to these selfish people.

  7. Doesn’t this Twit rent close enough to skip to work? I swear I’ve heard him wine that at a town council meeting before.

  8. This guy and his attitude are everywhere. He makes everyone feel unwelcome. Why does he think he’s the mayor??

  9. Tony Damiano typifies MISGUIDED PRIVILEGE. He thinks that everyone else (all the lesser employees and shop owners) should be forced into remote lots and parking garages, while he, the self-proclaimed king of Broad Street, can pull in right in front of his store. He simply is so superior in his own mind. He also weighed in on that store that is painted orange, proclaiming that it did not meet with his perfect sense of what is right. he went to a meeting and said the color had to be changed. Who the heck does this guy think he is? Rules are made for everyone else, and in his opinion everyone else is an idiot.

  10. Damiano thinks he is the mayor? That is too funny for words.

  11. A legend in his own mind

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