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Despite the Uptick in COVID Cases the Ridgewood School District is Still on Target for April 19 In Person Learning

rhs 2020

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in the Ridgewood Superintendent’s report Dr. Gorman commented on Ridgewood Schools  transition to Phase II for students in grades 2-12 on April 19.  

“Over the prior two weeks, we have seen a 3.5% increase in the number of students returning to in-person instruction. Kindergarten and first-grade students began an expanded in-person instructional model yesterday, March 22, and it was very exciting to see the students from both cohorts together in the classroom. The District will transition to Phase II for students in grades 2-12 on April 19. This date is still tentative, as it is dependent upon the COVID positivity rate not increasing. Families will continue to have the option to choose the fully remote model for the remainder of the school year. Visit the Reopening Our Schools site to view the Phase II communications, the COVID Dashboard, and related resources.”

20 thoughts on “Despite the Uptick in COVID Cases the Ridgewood School District is Still on Target for April 19 In Person Learning

  1. Not so fast. The grammar schools possibly after the spring break but the middle schools and high school are seeing way too many cases, especially GW and RHS. The schools need to be retrofitted with HEPA level 5 filtration because the virus will be back next fall when the windows will be closed again. Parents should keep calling the BOE to express their concern about next year.

  2. Wyckoff going back May 3rd. There will be no remote learning.

  3. We are not so sure about Wyckoff right now. As of today the high school in Wyckoff has been shut down, they are going back may be April 10.So very true regarding spring break, all these people think it’s OK to travel you’ll see. The numbers in New Jersey are coming up not going down, look at the facts.

  4. I think everyone should remained locked up in their houses, interacting with the world through computer screens.

    It’s so much easier to control the population that way.

  5. Gorman and the BOE are anti-science and pro-union. The science is clear: school spread and community spread literally have NO correlation. Community numbers can be astronomical but it will not spread in school if everyone is masked. 6 ft distancing also is not based on any science. Kids should be back in school 5 days, full day. Anything less is a failure on the part of Gorman and school board. They should all be voted out or fired as political hacks. Stop pandering to the teachers union, Gorman. Use your common sense and look at the data. Waiting for till the end of April to put the kids back in school is a travesty and you know it. You people have no shame and no regard for the welfare of the students. Teachers are vaccinated, windows can be opened, school is safer than anywhere else. Start acting like essential workers and not spoiled brats! Get back to work.

  6. The numbers are rising in New Jersey and in Ridgewood and Wyckoff in particular. As someone who knows all too well about these communities, I can tell you the truth. In Wyckoff families that have positive cases in their household have been told to quarantine in place but instead escape to their Florida residences, spend 2 weeks there, come back, have their children go back to school without being tested and then in less than 1 1/2 weeks later, other students in the affected student’s class get sick, get tested, and are positive.
    In Ridgewood, the situation is even worst as a lot of families don’t tell the truth about their whereabouts in contact tracing interviews with the town’s health administrator as they blatantly participate in many maskless in town, in state and out of state gatherings and then just assume their kids can just walk back into a school building and take a seat.
    I give credit to the many Ridgewood families that in addition to remaining mostly remote during the past year, have also taken on line enrichment programs in math and science and have also participated in school sponsored Zoom oriented extracurricular clubs like the Brain Busters which held an almost 3/4 day competitive event last Saturday against other like minded participants from other area schools.
    These families and their children are not scared, nor hiding, and not concerned about what the teachers union might or might not say. Some are advocating for a summer time session that I sure the teachers union won’t be happy about.
    Hopefully, by fall of next year the BOE will put better virus protections within the town’s schools and until such time, the best thing to do is to stop complaining about lost time and take advantage of the time and technology that are available now.

  7. He is a union puppet. Why do u think he was put in that job so quickly.

  8. Regarding Wyckoff and one of its sending high schools, Ramapo, my relative just sent me the following alert from the school to the parents saying it is CLOSED again because of the increased number of positive cases. All one has to do is to look at the Ridgewood High School increased number of positive cases over the last 2 weeks of more than 2 dozen people in that school alone to learn that this rate is far worse than at Ramapo and there is no way this school should remain open now. Gorman should know this as he was the principal there last year when RHS was closed 2 times. There is no magic at play here, only the health of the students.

  9. I don’t give a shit what anyone says I’m keeping my kids home till June. Are the be safe than sorry you’re not missing nothing. Please stop your bullshit look at the numbers climbing up again. All these people going away on spring break you’ll see. This virus is not gone don’t be a fool. My kids have no problem adopting. Summertime they will be in sports. Some of you lazy parents that send your kids to school when they are sick of fools. You’re sick stay home dirty hands,

  10. To Oh Yes above : Ramapo has just closed because of school related sports related activities. I guess a mythical state championship to some parents( and school administrators ) is more important than their own children’s grandparent’s lives. But you are right in another respect, many Ridgewood families will travel out of state on spring break, go maskless, return on April 19th and then assume they are entitled to re enter the school grounds as if nothing they have done is wrong. Although my family can travel anywhere in the world because we earn at least 7 times the annual income of the average Ridgewood family, we are responsible citizens and will do our part to contain the spread of this deadly virus. Summertime is coming and by then I feel we can then resume some of our normal activities and bring smiles back to my family’s faces. I don’t know about the rest of Ridgewood’s families, but I and my wife have never worked harder and my children have never studied more and learned more than have over the last few months with the aid of remote learning and telecommuting.

  11. At least our woke superintendents condemned violence against Asians. In the process somehow tying it to white supremacy. Despite police records showing violence against Asians is driven by black perps.

  12. To anon above, WTF!!!! Try telling that to the 5 Asian owned food take out businesses in the local Bergen County area that were spray painted by local white kids with anti Asian virus related slurs in the last few months that I am sure were inspired by these kid’s parents including one establishment in Waldwick and one in Wyckoff, in which video clearly showed white and not black skinned teenagers were responsible. Nice try at division, but now the Asian community is more aligned with the Black community than ever before because they now realize the inherent racism that exists in this country.

  13. 6 more positive cases within the Ridgewood school system reported today 3/24. And the beat goes on!!!!

  14. Exactly – the numbers in the schools seem to be going up – not down…Why?

  15. Why, because you people are dirty

  16. “6 more positive cases within the Ridgewood…”

    How many abortions occurred in Ridgewood (or NJ, or the USA) in the past year?
    I guess we don’t care about those preventable deaths…

    Getting sick (and recovering) from a virus is so much more important and crisis worthy.

  17. In terms of wokeness Gorman is way worse than Fish. When managers focus on feel good issues they won’t pay the right attention to academics and other critical factors. Expect RPS to go further down the peg under Gorman. They sent out a letter to elementary school parents yesterday asking us to to talk to our little ones about hate against asians. No thank you, idiots. I am not going to confuse my kid with nonsense. It is you who are pushing people towards hate with your narratives. Imbeciles.

  18. Another case in Somerville just today….

  19. “Another case in Somerville just today…”

    Anonymous, what is your point? Contact tracing revealed there were no close contacts and the school remains open. The case is from community spread and not the schools. In fact, as the puppets Gorman and Poelstra were forced to reveal a few board meetings ago due to increasing parent backlash, there has not been a single documented case of spread in the schools. Wear masks, 3ft distance, open windows. Teachers are now vaccinated. This is not a serious illness for kids, flu is much more dangerous for kids. If you want to keep your kids locked up in the house in front of a computer all day while going to indoor dining at the same time (where spread is actually occurring), be my guest. But don’t project your fear on the sane and rational parents who want to give their kids an actual real education. Get back to school fulltime, 5 days.

  20. everyone please get vaccines to stay #safe and #healthy so useless eaters can return to normal

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