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Does New Jersey Assemblymen Tim Eustace misguided rhetoric place the LGBT community in Grave Danger

New Jersey Assemblymen Tim Eustace
June 16,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, New Jersey Assemblymen Tim Eustace continues his over the top grandstanding against Congressmen Scott Garrett. Eustace has been making the rounds protesting Garrett’s “alleged” and I repeat “alleged” remarks and organizing media events like protesting Fidelity investments on Route 17 in Paramus over donations to the Garrett campaign . Unbeknownst to Eustace  and much of the New Jersey media a small mutual fund office in Paramus does not control corporate policy for Mutual Fund giant Fidelity’s corporate donation policy .

Assemblyman Tim Eustace told PolitickerNJ that the congressman’s statements “ridiculous.” According to Eustace, one of New Jersey’s only openly gay assemblypeople, Garrett’s stance on the LGBT community (he allegedly made statements last year that he wouldn’t support the Republican Party’s fundraising arm because of support for gay candidates) and his NRA backing make his statements “hypocritical.”

Eustace then jumped the shark by saying ,“I thought it was ridiculous,” Eustace told PolitickerNJ. “Here is a man who doesn’t even believe LGBT people deserve equal citizenship, that we have the right to run for office. Here is somebody who is fully invested by the NRA. These congressmen are the reason assault weapons are on the streets. He comes out in support of them but didn’t actually mention LGBT people at all.”

LGBT people deserve equal citizenship, really Tim ? According to Eustace and people like him Republicans present a far greater threat then Islamic Jihad ? Humm tell that to the people in the WTC on 9/11 or thats right they are dead .

Eustace like many seemed shocked that the terror group ISIS would target the gay community ,apparently Tim has missed the memo that ISIS like all Islamic Jihadist groups are sworn to kill gays and enslave women as well as eliminate all western style freedoms .

To make this clear because so many seem in denial ,Sharia law mandates that homosexuals be killed and is not from ISIS or al-Qaeda. It is from sharia which is based on Muslim scripture.

While other gay groups have quickly learned that they are not safe under the current administration and have begun arming themselves like Pink Pistols or changing there support for Donald Trump who has like many sounded the alarm continuously for years ,Eustace and his band of media hounds continues to misrepresent their cause and place themselves and others in grave danger.

3 thoughts on “Does New Jersey Assemblymen Tim Eustace misguided rhetoric place the LGBT community in Grave Danger

  1. Distance suffers from a mental disorder called extreme liberalism.
    He gets angrier at Republicans than terrorists.

  2. concerning your repeated comment that the remarks made by Cong, Garrett are alleged, keep in mind only Republicans were in the room when he allegedly made them. Here are news reports with fellow Republicans views on those comments:

    Garrett did have his defenders in the party’s most conservative redoubts. “Scott is a very devout Christian, and he had some very strong feelings about it that he discussed at that meeting,” says Representative Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, who was present when Garrett made the remarks. “It was very respectful. I think the end result of the meeting was that Scott had mentioned he’d come to some agreement that he’d still support the party but in a way that didn’t cause a conflict with his morals.”

    The Bergen Republican chairman, Bob Yudin, confirmed that Garrett told him he is refusing to pay dues to the National Republican Congressional Committee because it supports gay candidates for Congress, but he emphasized it’s just one of many reasons he’s unhappy with the committee.

    So are you calling these two staunch Republicans liars?

    1. yes Garrett has been a target by party RINO’s for ages this whole smear campaign has been orchestrated by the GOP DC establishment also where is the tape ,video and or transcript,far too many cowards in the GOP to trust anybody

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