file photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Downtown for the Holidays and Christmas Tree Lighting 6-9 p.m. is located all along East Ridgewood Avenue from Broad to Maple Streets. The Tree Lighting is at 6:30pm on Friday December 1st. Some other attractions are Touch-A-Truck, Trackless Train, Nutcracker Dancers in Store Windows, Find Santa in his moving golf cart, Music & Merriment Everywhere, Smores in Memorial Park and much more!
Come to Downtown Ridgewood this holiday season, enjoy the festivities and browse the bustling retail hub. The assortment of high-quality products and services available is extensive, ensuring customer satisfaction and delight. Part of the charm is the merchants themselves, their very “customer-centric” approach is heartwarming and perfect for the holidays!
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Its in the article – 12/1. Very early this year. The smores/fire pits in van neste has been a nice addition over the past few years.
Don’t forget winterfest sat after t-day in van neste.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”.
That was added after the comment
Keep Pee Wee away…
I am glad we still have this tradition and that creepy Vag hasn’t screwed it up for us. God knows he has screwed up everything else in our village
He’s been very much involved over the years. He’s one of a few local merchants who got new bulbs for the tree.
And then he became a douchbag.
he was ALWAYS a douchebag…
Can we get the leaves picked up please. got a lot of rain coming. It’s going to be flooding.
Geesh. We are speaking about our village holiday tradition. Must every post be about leaves which has nothing to do with the subject.
Geesh. We are speaking about our village Christmas tradition.
Just worry about getting those leaves up. We got a lot of rain coming, right now that’s more important than a Christmas tree. The village should be visualizing a tree that’s already standing. We don’t need to be keep on every year bring a tray put a tree up put a tree down come on, let’s stop the bullshit especially who’s doing it . This definitely dirty shit going on. Let’s stop the bullshit.
Wtf are you talking about?
Come on let’s get these leaves up, ridiculous. Already can’t even park family cars in front of my house. This is bullshit. No reason why the leaf cruise weren’t working every Saturday from the gecko like other towns. Stupid ridiculous move good going
It’s probably because they’ll have to be paid time and a half