photos courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, thanks to the residents who were proactive and the crew for getting it done. According the Village Manager Keith Kazmark , following resident requests, the Streets Division recently cleaned out the drainage ditch which runs parallel to the PSE&G right-of-way near Stevens Field. This will improve water flow during heavy rain events.
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I’m sure there’s many more that need to be cleaned. They should be taken advantage of this since we haven’t had any rain in the past five weeks.
It’s great that it was done, and others should routinely be cleaned as well, but don’t be fooled into thinking it will help with flooding. Sadly, it will not
The failure to clean this ditch years ago led to massive flooding in the immediate area. Warren Pl., N. Irving St., Marshall St., and Franklin Ave. got hit bad. Residents were evacuated from their homes in boats.
All these streets are adjacent to the flooded Veterans Field, and NOT caused by this one ditch. Please, be serious with your comments. These homes are in a flood plain, as is Vet’s Field. Even with a cleaned ditch, the flooding will continue, unfortunately.
Well, why isn’t the village maintaining the Drainage areas. That’s their Responsibility
Someone I know who lived near there had been complaining to the town about the ditch for years when she told me about it…12 years ago.