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False Claim #1: “Thousands of voters enter our schools on each election day.” 


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “One Village One Vote”, is not the first to promote “the dangers of taxpayers voting in public schools”. School safety during voting is a false claim made for years by “educators” looking to hide from tax payers what is going on in public education. Recent protests demonstrate the need for more parent involvement in the education process not less. Administrators clearly do not want parents near schools so the lack of learning will not be challenged.

False Claim #1: “Thousands of voters enter our schools on each election day.” 

TRUTH: Purposely misleading. Thousands of people vote, but not in each location. Even the number of voters for the last presidential election did not bring thousands of people into each of our schools. Ridgewood has 11 polling locations.10 of which are located in our public-school buildings. 8 of the school locations have separate entrances for the polling areas, isolating them from the rest of the school. While there is no evidence that suggests any threat to school safety created by voting activity, for parents who don’t feel comfortable sending their children to school on election days, remote learning options or making elections days professional development days would resolve those concerns. 

20 thoughts on “False Claim #1: “Thousands of voters enter our schools on each election day.” 

  1. Interesting. The schools are closed this November on Election Day because the county recommended that schools close because of concerns. So, I guess the idea that on Election Day people enter the schools that work hard to remain a safe place for students and teachers is just fake news? Hmmm.

  2. Ok, do the math: + # of poll workers + # of people Involved in the delivery and collection of voting booths and tables and chairs # of polling place that are in the schools + private security hired by the schools + # of voters in a an average election + some people that help others get to the polling locations (just a few 10-20 per location) / # of voters. 1,000 people in and out of school buildings could be accurate. Just thinking. 10,000 voters/9 school based pollIng locations. That math works for me.

    1. and examples of violence ????

  3. Professional Development day for November 2020 only. Not for the April (annual) or May(alternating years) local election days or the June Primary (annual) or any future municipal or school referendum ballot issues.
    That’s an additional 2-4 days per year that could have polling places located in the schools and increased traffic on schools property if elections are not consolidated in November. The June Primary cannot be moved and a referendum question could be on the November ballot. With consolidation 2 voting days in the schools vs. 3-4. And, if the trend of closing the schools for November, we’re down to one day.

  4. Hysteria and the destruction of Americana.
    Are your neighbors that dangerous?

  5. why wait for our town to be in the newspapers like parkland or sandy hook conn. Don’t be ignorant

    1. since people die in car accidents should we ban cars as well?

  6. Just Vote No

  7. Winograd is scared of her own shadow because it’s black. Should we forbid children from congregating anywhere for fear they will be targeted? Stop fire drills at schools because the kids are sitting ducks? Come on now.

  8. Should we be segregating children away from adults at all gathering places? No adults allowed inside when children are at the movies, YMCA, restaurants, Graydon Pool, etc.? Are you serious?

  9. Haha, Winograd is afraid of her own shadow because it’s black. Funniest comment ever. But true. Dark skin scares her. Truth

  10. It’s a county recommendation. Wood is having a professional development day. Most people recognize that the people who vote are citizens of the community in which they vote and should not be perceived as a threat. After reading a everything posted, I understand the county’s conern.

  11. It’s a county recommendation. Wood is having a professional development day. Most people recognize that the people who vote are citizens of the community in which they vote and should not be perceived as a threat. After reading a everything posted, I understand the county’s concern.

  12. These recommendations stem from an abundance of caution after school shootings. Perhaps it’s prudent.

  13. Now that voting by mail/dropbox has been rammed down our throats, the arguments against voting while school is in session should be a moot point.

  14. Holding on-cycle local elections would improve American democracy. Ridgewood shows us how.

  15. Holding on-cycle local elections would improve American democracy. Ridgewood shows us how. Vote YES!

  16. The author of the editorial is from California. What the heck does he know about New Jersey politics? That group is so desperate to get the vote passed that they’re hiring somebody from California!

  17. He’s an expert on racial and ethnic politics, urban politics, immigration, and political behavior…. something you are not anonymous.

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