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Famous Feminist: While We’re ‘Navel-Gazing’ About Gender Identity, ‘ISIS Is Beheading People’


James Barrett

In an interview with Spiked Online, radical feminist Camille Paglia unloaded both barrels on the Left’s “self-absoprtion” with gender identity, saying all the “hyper-self-consciousness about ‘Who am I? Where exactly am I on the gender spectrum?’ is mere navel-gazing, while in the Middle East, ISIS is beheading people.”

In the half-hour interview with Spiked’s Ella Whelan, the openly gay, contrarian feminist professor commented on several controversial issues, including the transgender debate, the so-called “campus rape culture,” and the censorship of honest discussions about what causes homosexuality. As usual, Paglia’s take on all of it probably won’t make her fellow feminists and LGBT activists happy.

2 thoughts on “Famous Feminist: While We’re ‘Navel-Gazing’ About Gender Identity, ‘ISIS Is Beheading People’

  1. So true, some real, serious issues out there in our world.

  2. I am a feminist and I disagree with her. Ther is no “one size firs all” feminist label.

    Kind of like being Republican or Conservative, or both. Many Republicans talk about some as being RINO and others (Trump) as not being conservative.

    Like gender, the only label that fits is the one that I give myself, and only if I chose a label

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