the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, a federal judge on Monday hit the brakes on New Jersey’s new concealed carry gun law, finding that the tough restrictions on where and when a person can carry a firearm in public present “considerable constitutional problems.”
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Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho (R-24) responded after a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order and blocked the enforcement of the new restrictions on concealed carry permit holders recently signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy :
“Republicans warned when Governor Murphy’s concealed carry law was being rushed through the Legislature that it was an unconstitutional attempt by Democrats to circumvent the United States Supreme Court and strip away the rights of legal firearm owners.
“The federal judge’s ruling, which validates what we have been saying, is a victory for the 2nd Amendment and the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves both in public and in private. We look forward to the offending provisions of the law being permanently struck down.”
In a 60-page opinion in support of the temporary restraining order, the judge wrote, “Neither the State nor the public has an interest in enforcing unconstitutional laws.”
Senator Anthony M. Bucco responded with a big “I told you so”
“We knew the law was likely unconstitutional since it copied major portions of a New York law that has already suffered serious setbacks in federal court,” said Bucco. “Despite all of our warnings, Governor Murphy and Trenton Democrats plowed ahead and enacted an obviously flawed proposal. Yet again, the Legislature will have to revisit one of their bad laws to fix the mess they created.”
Bucco said he hoped the ruling would be a wake-up call for Democrats to work towards sensible concealed-carry regulations that can pass constitutional muster:
“To my Democrat colleagues, I hate to say ‘I told you so,’ but I told you so,” Bucco added. “Maybe now they’ll be willing to work with us on sensible solutions to ensure that the legal concealed carry of firearms can be practiced in a safe manner in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen.”
The Murphy administration punishes honest law abiding citizens exercising their constitutional right to self protection. They refuse to disclose the source of the guns seized by law enforcement from criminals because 100% of those guns were obtained ILLEGALLY in other states and trafficked to NJ.
Why won’t Murphy ask the ATF to simply follow the serial # of illegal guns and arrest traffickers?
The big joke is requiring legal permit holders to obtain liability insurance (which is already covered by your homeowners policy or umbrella policy unless specifically excluded)
Its a second amendment RIGHT, not a privilege like driving a car, where insurance is required.
I’d like to see mandatory insurance for the first amendment so those blow hards who make twitter posts or other social media posts have a pile of money so they can be sued .
Just another feel-good-do-nothing liberal one party state.
How about arresting the criminals in the shit hole cities and leave the law abiding citizens alone.
And note to carpet bagger murphy, who hails from Massachusetts, which is geographically the same density with respect to population as NJ.. >EVERYONE in Mass gets a carry permit, and that state has a LOWER rate of gun violence than NJ. And news flash to the Democrats: criminals dont obey laws.
There was at least ONE Democrat who saw the law for what it was and voted “No.”
This is what happens when you get a “we need a businessman politician” who thinks he is still in private enterprise and can tell folks what to do. HINT: You’re not at Goldman Sachs any more.
They reminded Eisenhower that he wasn’t a General any more. HE listened.
So round up everybody who agrees with you and shut out anyone else who might have any other ideas. Put your mix together and throw it up against the all and see what sticks. And this is what you get.
How about including folks who don’t agree with you but might know what they are talking about instead of just your sycophantic ideologues. You might have actually come up with a good law that could pass muster.
Oh, but that would require going after real criminals instead of CREATING them from nothing.
Oh, my mistake. What was I thinking?
Amazing for a big shot GS executive the guy is an idiot