file photo Boyd Loving
FEMA reimburses Ridgewood $830,000 for Hurricane Irene, Sandy repairs
December 11, 2014 Last updated: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 5:18 PM
By Laura Herzog
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News
Ridgewood has received a total of $1.2 million from the federal government in reimbursement for emergency damage and other costs of past large-scale storms.
The village received a few big checks – totaling more than $830,000 – in the past two weeks.
According to Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently provided Ridgewood with checks for Hurricane Irene and Sandy, respectively, amounting to $448,500 and $382,900.
The $382,900 check came in last Friday, Sonenfeld said this week.
“We have not collected all of the FEMA monies, but we have collected the preponderant amount of it,” Sonenfeld said in an email on Tuesday. “We still have some close-out activity that must be done for Sandy and Irene; we are also waiting for monies for the Halloween Nor’easter.”
Ridgewood has received approximately $1.168 million for all three storms.
According to Sonenfeld, these reimbursements include operating expenses, like “staff expenses that were incurred for removal of trees, cleaning up of roads, managing street closures and managing traffic.”
But the majority of the funding reflects “capital expenditures,” she said.
Civility and money. all is good in Ridgewood.
Good News — Thanks
Way to go Roberta !
All is love
What a great town we live in. Im so happy living here.
I try to honor all people in Rdgewood.
Whenever I have bad thoughts about our Council or V M and even Dom I go in my mediation room and ask forgiveness for my thoughts.
Sorry ( meditation room.)
Nice job by those involved! I’m sure there was endless paperwork, forms, and phone calls to even get the whole process started. Nice to get something back. Now, if we could only get the NJDEP and the Fed’s to let us dredge, widen, and straighten parts of the river from above Graydon past Spring Ave, we could probably eliminate flooding except for the most extreme storms. Unfortunately that will probably never happen.
All of those events took place before she was VM. Who did the paperwork? Keep it real.
Yeh, I bet Gabbert did the paperwork because he figured when the money came in he could go the Council….. AND ASK FOR ANOTHER BIG PAY RAISE !! Bet he did not think he would be fired before then.
I hope they don;t blow on some shit we don’t need. well they can’t say we are broke. and don’t put in the murma fund, hummmmmmmmmm.
Lets keep it civil #11. Peace and love forever in Ridgewood . If you can’t keep civil #11 maybe you should build a meditation room like our Deputy Mayor did. After you meditate things will be better.
#13, you got that right!
#13 I am sorry for upsetting you with an un-civil comment. I will go take a Happy pill and become more civil. Perhaps the Council should also take some Happy pills so they can treat each other and the audience more civil as well.
Thanks #15. The Council had a panel discussion on civility last week so I take it they are taking civility very serious. Im sure they will act more civil in the 2016. Matter of fact I am positive that they will . As you know our elected officials always have the residents best interest in in mind when the meet. Peace
Maybe they can afford to trim the trees in town now.
The Council has a lot on their plate but I am confident that will get to tree trimming.
Wake up people
Those are your tax dollars that could be put to better use in private hands.
Government is out of control
Our Government here in Ridgewood is not out of control. Our Council will spend that money wisely and to benefit all resident.
start repairing village buildings. it’s time. we have building that when it rain’s the water comes right in. and the top managers just look away.
Hopefully it goes to tax reduction and not wages and benefits for public safety, they’ve pigged out enough
Lets keep it civil #23 Im sure our council will spend the money properly to benefit all residents and this lovely town
I think they should take the funds and create more bicycle lanes. I love the pretty green biker logos.
And more old-fashioned coin operated parking meters. Remind me of gumball machines.
We must learn to share our roads with pedestrians and cyclist friends. We need more love in our town. Follow the council lead of civility for all.
maybe the money can be put towards redecorating the village council meeting room. I hear its Fung Shui is not very good. And that’s not good for Civility.