December 12,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, In a letter to the editor : A lack of civility in Ridgewood https://www.northjersey.com/story/opinion/readers/2017/12/12/letter-lack-civility-ridgewood/944073001/, former council candidate Evan Weitz sticks up for ethically challenged former Ridgewood Mayor Paul Aronsohn , and former breath of fresh air Village Manager Roberta Sonnefeld .
Wietz like may New Jersey politicians supports the philosophy that the rules are only for the little people and politicians and their flunkies are always above reproach ,they are here for self promotion, self aggrandizement and personal gain at your expense .
The boiler plate letter is almost believable except that it defends a group of people and their supporters who called residents “terrorist” , “grandstanders” , physically attacking legal petitioners in the central business district , mocked people who lived on the far east side of Ridgewood, hosted efforts to silence dissent , attacked businesses that didn’t go along with their schemes and egregious mishandled almost ever public forum they held.
Why is he so much interested in the village politics? He just moved here. Is he invested in the new apartments?
I don’t know that I disagree with Weitz on his general point, but he completely overlooks the fact that nasty barbs and citizen put downs were the stock in trade of Mayor Aronson. Simply put – He was mean and nasty to those who disagreed with him. No one trusted him in the least. (And who can forget Deputy Mayor I Am the Only One IN Town with a Day Job.) And Evan, to be frank, you were rumoured on the campaign trail to toss a few barbs yourself when you ran on the Arohnson supported ticket.
So, yes, Evan is right, we need to tone it down sometimes. But his fake news and attempt to resurrect Arohnson from the political graveyard he richly deserves isn’t helping us at all.
brute force attack on dissenters…the little people that they want to crush so they can build out their own VOR business plans…
4.49PM. And they will build whatever they want. No one can stop them. They’re just working on slicing the pie the best way possible. You and I and everybody else are just bystanders.
Is that a Steven King holloween wammee baloon loitering over Robertas head…?
Evan Weitz? – Consider the source. Enough said.
Evan “I can’t attend meetings because I work” Weitz. Unfriggin’ believable.
Is he serious? Wow. What an asshole.
Evan Weitz – you are pitiful. Aren’t you an attorney? Somewhat educated? Well., let’s see. The complaint was NOT filed by a group of dissatisfied residents. Nope. It was filed by John Paff, who is an open-government activist who does not live in Ridgewood. As an attorney, which you purport to be, you ought to get the FACTS straight. The Local Finance Board found Aronsohn and Sonenfeld GUILTY of using public funds to promote their own agenda. The size of the fine is meaningless – the fact is, they were found guilty, and rightly so. Mr. Weitz, you ran a (thankfully) failed attempt to get elected in Ridgewood. So we know now that you are NOT an advocate of the people. You, as a resident, do not care that your tax dollars were used to promote one side of a referendum question. You will never get elected, I hope you know that. Never. You come from the same poison well as Sonenfeld and Aronsohn. Done.
Ho Ho Ho, Mr. Weitz, the same Mr. Weitz who read a SCRIPT that Jeff Voigt gave him to read at a Council meeting, filled with misinformation about the failed Financial Advisory Committee. Mr. Weitz, the same Mr. Weitz whose behavior on the failed Financial Advisory Committee caused such an uprising that an honored member of the FAC had to resign rather that be associated with Weitz’ stink.
Evan – are you gearing up to run in the spring? Oh I hope so. Bring it on! You thought your defeat two years ago was spectacular? This will be beyond that. We are ready for any Aronsohn-Sonenfeld-Hauck-Pucciarelli disciples.
She was joke. Just a waste of time. Just like President Jimmy Carter saying level of waste.
Evan W. you are an idiot. How does a prior Assistant District Attorney, currently working as head of investigations · Financial Crimes Compliance -defend individuals found guilty of unethical violations? Have you NO morals?
President Carter yeah he was a jerk
That’s funny because this town is been running like a Presidents Carter I ministration. Holy moly someone anyone help help help SOS