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Former Freeholder Todd Caliguire Gets the Nod to Run Against Incumbent Democratic Executive Jim Tedesco

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, former Freeholder and Midland Park resident Todd Caliguire has defeated Fort Lee realtor Linda Barba in the primary for Bergen County Executive. Todd Caliguire beat Linda Barba in the GOP Primary for the office of Bergen County Executive.

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9,695 41.02%

13,929 58.94%

That means Caliguire will faceoff against  incumbent Democratic Executive Jim Tedesco in the fall. Caliguire’s slate of county commissioner candidates – Doug Holden, Ronald Lin, and Dierdre Paul – were also victorious against Barba’s running mates, Paul Duggan, Angelique Hakim, and Mary Guinchard.

The primary featured a lot of Bergen County Republican Organization dirty laundry and much “inside GOP baseball”  . Caliguire  finest moment came while on the campaign trail in Franklin lakes ,when he came to the aid of a large mean looking turtle guiding him or her off a busy motorway .

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The board of commissioners currently has a 7-0 Democratic majority. But while Republicans haven’t held any countywide offices since 2016, Jack Ciattarelli held Gov. Phil Murphy to a 52-47% win in the county in 2021, and some Republicans are optimistic that 2022 may be the year they claw some ground back.

2 thoughts on “Former Freeholder Todd Caliguire Gets the Nod to Run Against Incumbent Democratic Executive Jim Tedesco

  1. Dirty Laundry is spelled ZISA

  2. Clean up time is approaching.

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