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Former Lt. Col Scott Mann shares his Views with the Ridgewood blog on Beating ISIS

Scott Mann Head Shot

December 16,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, What’s the best tool to defeat ISIS? Tuesday night’s candidates in the Republican debate kept citing the same tired approach: “Bomb the hell out of them” “Boots on the ground” Former Lt. Col Scott Mann says, “These are the same tired responses that have put us in danger at home”. The best tool to defeat ISIS is to fight them deep in their own safe haven by leveraging tribes against them.

Scott Mann, is a former Lt. Col and Green Beret. He is the CEO of Mission America and author of the best-selling novel “Game Changers”. He spent 23 years in the Army Special Forces Career involved in Foreign Internal Defense, Counter-insurgency, and Stability Missions. He served in the Special Operations for over 18 years and has been a Green Beret for over 15 years in combat deployments in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is one of the only former Lt. Col’s that is actively still involved in the day-to-day transition of Green Berets from active duty into civilian life.He has been quoted frequently and seen on MSNBC with Alex Witt, Fox News, Fox News Radio, among other high profile media appearances. As a reminder, he is based in Tampa and can come in via Satellite or Skype.

Lt. Col Mann spoke immediately after the GOP debate, along his thoughts on whether shutting down the LA school district was the right move in response to ‘threats’ and what if any solution is there to win the war on ISIS.

His positioning is below:

Recent Gallup poll indicates that Americans are more worried about terrorism than any other issue and more than any time in the last ten years. The San Bernardino shooter and the LA school district closure heightens this concern.

As ISIS taunts the closure on Twitter, there are more attacks to come and they will be ugly.

Tuesday night’s 2016 political debate candidates needed to show some skill in understanding these terrorists threat.

An informed populous on new terror realities will be key to national security in 2016.

The school scare is a reminder of how serious the ISIS threat is here at home.

Every day we spend dabbling in political correctness and equivocating attacks as lone wolf and not that big of a deal gives our enemy to plot violence against our schools, communities and work sites.

We need informed citizens who are leaning forward to better understand how ISIS operates abroad and at home.

Only then can we demand the same of our politicians.

2 thoughts on “Former Lt. Col Scott Mann shares his Views with the Ridgewood blog on Beating ISIS

  1. It’s guerilla warfare, almost impossible to defeat a motivated opponent that hides in our midst…

  2. You break an egg; you can’t put it back. Invading Iraq after 9/11 unleashed these terrorists.

    They will have to be defeated by surrounding Arab countries. Only way.

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