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Former Ridgewood Councilmen : What’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council
the staff of the Ridgewood
Ridgewood NJ, former Councilmen Jeff Voigt seems to write a letter to the editor almost weekly complaining about the Village Council.  Now he is forgetting from one letter to the next what he has written, and is contradicting himself.

The former Councilmen  is most remembered for cursing from the dais at the Village Manager (“I’m fucking pissed,” ).  Publicly calling a citizen a douchebag.  Violating the social media policy by blocking people from his official Facebook account. Threatened to blackmail a colleague on the council. Resorted to calling a citizen “fatso” in the courthouse, in a bank parking lot, at a Board of Ed meeting, and at a hardware store (the police even had to be called because he was thought  threatening). The former Councilmen also refused to supply requested documents , bizarrely decided that he was an expert at handwriting analysis – to which a judge scoffed.
On March 26 his letter whined about the fact that the Clerk’s office has been inundated with Open Public Records Act (OPRA)  requests to the point that they might have to hire extra help for processing them.  Now on April 11 he has a letter indicating that he himself has been submitting multiple OPRA requests that have taken longer than he would like.  So now we learn he is filing OPRA requests repeatedly himself, and at the same time complaining that so many are being submitted.  His April 11 letter also claims that when he was in office there were no delays in fulfilling OPRA requests, and that all information was supplied in full – when, in fact, he himself delayed supplying requested information in the legally required time-frame, information that he was required by law to provide – at one point he said he did not want to supply the information because he did not want it appearing on The BLOG (gosh folks we are speechless ).
Mind you, this is the person who, when he was in office, submitted multiple complaints to the Ridgewood Police Department that citizens were harassing him because they had filed OPRA requests for some of his official correspondence.  He even filed such a complaint against one of his fellow council members.  And took all of them to court (unsuccessfully) for doing exactly what he himself is doing now.

5 thoughts on “Former Ridgewood Councilmen : What’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander

  1. Once a douchebag, always a douchebag.

  2. He is the most desperate and despicable person in RIdgewood.

  3. This man is a liar. And now he has lost his mind completely

  4. I remember when you all were praising this man when he was running LOL it was insane then!!!!!

  5. People who voted for this mean man did not know his real nature. He is a liar. A cheat. A slimeball. He fooled a lot of people.

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