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Gannett buys Ridgewood Blog Arch Nemesis the Bergen Record

Bergen record Newspaper-vending-machine2

photo by Boyd Loving

June 16,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Gannett is adding to its stable of New Jersey papers by snapping up The Record , the Ridgewood News and some other weekly papers now owned by the North Jersey Media Group according to Media Ink.

According to insiders at the paper the announcement came as a shock to the Record newsroom and its already beleaguered staffers.

The 121-year-old paper long known as the Bergen Record is the second-largest daily paper in the state behind the Star-Ledger in Newark, which is owned by the Newhouse family. Gannett, the nation’s No. 1 newspaper publisher, also owns the Asbury Park Press and five other New Jersey papers.The Record seemed tired in recent years and after decades of playing a major role in setting the news agenda in New Jersey with its far left pro union slant .

While it bashed Governor Christie and harped on the tedious “Bridgegate” scandal it may have derailed presidential ambitions of New Jersey’s  Gov. Chris Christie but circulation plunged , reporting lagged and the overtly biased coverage drove away advertisers .

The Record was purchased by the Borg family in 1930. Malcolm Borg is chairman, while son Stephen Borg — leader of the fourth generation of the family in control of the paper . Insiders say Stephen’s tenure at the helm has been a disaster.

The financial terms couldn’t be learned, although the properties have remained modestly profitable.

12 thoughts on “Gannett buys Ridgewood Blog Arch Nemesis the Bergen Record

  1. Resistance is Futile….said the Borg.

  2. Maybe we can count on some un-biased news coverage under new ownership? It really couldn’t get any worse. The Ridgewood News used to be a decent community newspaper that covered all of the school plays and neighborhood happenings. Recently it’s been a megaphone for union bozos and local political hacks.

  3. Is that a good thing? Will they stop being Aronsohn’s mouthpiece now?

  4. “Blog Archnemesis”?? Your ego knows no bounds.

    1. You never met Stephen Borg

  5. Hey James, what kind of duckets would it take if Gannett wanted to buy YOU out?

    1. I have a list of demands

  6. Borg and Aronsohn are very close politically, with Borg regularly providing political support for or cover to the Mayor (like during the never ending jihad against “incivility”), and bending and shaping news coverage of local events to portray Aronsohn in the best possible light. Plus giving him a recurring column in The Ridgewood News. One wonders if our new mayor will be provided the same platform to expound his or her views and priorities.

  7. Borg’s sold the Record property, sold the Record, sold out NJ news integrity because of a traffic jam. But they love Ma Weinberg and her crew of Southeast Bergen and Hudson County Democrats. It’s a great day in America.

  8. The Recorg is a rag and I have enjoyed watching it die a slow painful death.
    I hope the Borg family lost money on the sale. They damaged my familie’s business back in the early nineties with a politically biased false narritive published in The Record based on the Borg family’s liberal progressive anti business bias.
    Good ridence…

  9. All print media is dead. Only needed for bird cages and puppy training.
    The Record is a liberal rag.
    GWB stories every day.
    Josh Gottheimer is great, Scott Garrett is bad, from now through November.

  10. As a former employee it couldn’t have happened to a ‘nicer’ family.

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